14 December 2022
The reward for a widowed mother
Question Can this Hadith be quoted? «أنا وسفعاء الخدين في الجنة كهاتين ، وأشار بإصبعيه الوسطى والسبابة، قالوا: يا رسول الله، وما سفعاء الخدين؟ قال: امرأة توفي زوجها فقعدت على عيالها».……
13 December 2016
Warning against oppressing orphans and women
Question Could you translate the following Hadith: اللهم إني أحرج حق الضعيفين اليتيم، والمرأة
17 November 2016
The great virtue of assisting widows and the poor
Question Is this authentic? Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "The person who assists and takes care of the widow and the poor is like the person who is striving in the path of Allah or…
2 March 2016
The reward for a widowed mother who takes care of her child
Question Is this narration authentic? "I and a widow whose face has darkened, and she is patient with her child will be as close as these two fingers in Jannah"