22 September 2023
Imam Abu Hanifah’s (rahimahullah) intention/du’a when drinking Zam Zam
Question I have heard that when Imam Abu Hanifah (rahimahullah) drank Zam Zam water, he made du'a that Allah accept all his future du'as made with raised hands. Can you locate this supplication?
17 March 2023
Drinking Zam-zam to one’s fill is a means of cure
Question What is the reference of this narration and is it suitable to quote? من شرب منها حتى يتضلع أحدثت له شفاء، وأخرجت له داء
15 March 2023
The benefits of Zam-Zam
Question What is the reference of this narration and is it suitable to quote? زمزم لما شربت له إن شربته تريد الشفاء شفاك الله وإن شربته تريد أن يقطع ظماك قطعه وإن شربته تريد أن تشبعك أشبعتك……