I was looking for the following Hadith which ‘Allamah Qastallani (rahimahullah) has mentioned in his Al-Mawahibul Ladunniyyah:
ومنها حديث الصحابي الذي سرق فرسه بليل وهو في الصلاة فرأى السارق حين اخذه فلم يقطع لذلك صلاته فقيل له في ذلك فقال ما كنت فيه ألذ من ذلك
(Al-Mawahibul Ladunniyyah, vol. 3, pg. 282)
Imam Ibn Abi Jamrah (rahimahullah) has mentioned this narration without a chain in his Hadith commentary titled Bahjatun Nufus.
(Bahjatun Nufus, vol. 1, pg. 26; Also see: Sharhuz Zurqani, vol. 9, pgs. 92-93)
A Sahabi’s horse was once stolen at night whilst he was in Salah. He saw the thief as he [i.e., the thief] was taking it but did not break his Salah because of that. [Later on] He was then asked about that [incident], to which he replied: That [i.e., the Salah] which I was in was far more pleasurable than that [attending to the thief]. [in other words, the enjoyment of Salah was far more important and enjoyable then worrying about the horse].
And Allah Ta’ala knows best.
Answered by: Mawlana Farhan Shariff
Approved by: Mawlana Muhammad Abasoomar