14 September 2015
The chain for the incident of ‘Alqamah
Question In your answer regarding the incident of the Sahabi ('alqamah) who couldn't recite the shahadah at the time of death, you provided two references; Tabarani and Tambihul Ghafilin. I cannot…
12 September 2015
Assisting one another in sin
Question Is there a Quranic verse which states that we should not assist one another in sin?
12 September 2015
Du’a for knowledge, ‘amal, sustenance and cure
Question I want to know about supplications regarding ilm, rizq, amal etc. I memorised one of them (no. 1) but I keep hearing different versions of it from scholars (see 2, 3 as examples, and I have…
11 September 2015
The father is the best door to Jannah
Question Is this Hadith authentic? Sayyiduna Abud Darda (radiyallahu 'anhu) reported that Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said, "The father is the middle of the door of Jannah, so keep this…
10 September 2015
Reciting Surah Fatihah seven times as a means of cure
Question Is reciting Surah Fatihah seven times as ruqyah [as a means of cure] established from any Hadith?
8 September 2015
Reward for caring properly for one’s daughters
Question Please provide the reference for the following Hadith: 'If a man gets a daughter grows her up properly and gives her an education and gets her married Jannah becomes binding on him'
8 September 2015
Was Zakariyya (‘alayhis salam) a carpenter?
Question Is it true that Nabi Zakariyya ('alayhis salam) was a carpenter?
8 September 2015
Is there a du’a to recite after burping?
Question I want to know what du'a do you have to say after you burped? Some say that as it is an unpleasant thing, so you should say Astaghfirullah. However some say that you should say…
7 September 2015
Abandoning things that do not concern one
Question Please provide the reference for the following narration: "It is from the beauty of a person's Islam that he abandons things that do not concern him."
7 September 2015
Hearts are in Allah’s control
Question Please give me the reference and full words of the Hadith which states that the heart is between the Fingers of Allah Ta'ala
6 September 2015
The best gift a father can bestow on his child
Question Kindly provide the source and authenticity of the following narration: "The best thing a father can give his son is good manners"
4 September 2015
Reciting the Shahadah after wudu
Question I've been told that reading second kalimah (the shahadah) after wudu is Sunnah along with a verse of the Quran. Can you please confirm the narration, and it's authenticity?
4 September 2015
Reference for the Qunut recited in Witr Salah
Question The famous Du'a recited in Witr 'Allahumma Inna Nastaeenuka wa nastaghfiruka' Is this mentioned in the Hadith? Also, are there variations in the wordings?
4 September 2015
The most beloved acts to Allah are those carried out with consistency
Question Please provide the reference and verify the translation of the following narration. "O people, you should do whatever [good] deeds you can, for Allah does not get tired [of giving reward]…
4 September 2015
Barakah in sustenance
Question Kindly provide an 'amal (deed that I may carry out) for increase and Barakah in my rizq (sustenance)