12 April 2023
A way to protect one’s self from dementia/Alzheimers
Question Could you provide me with a reference for the following: أبقى الناس عقولا قرأة القرآن
7 April 2023
Remaining silent when yawning while reciting Quran
Question Is this suitable to quote? إذا تثاءب أحدكم وهو يقرأ القرآن فليسكت، ولا يقل هاها وهو يقرأ
30 March 2023
Pausing the recital of Quran when one yawns
Question Is this suitable to quote? إذا تثاءبت وأنت تقرأ القرآن فأمسك عن القراءة، حتى يذهب تثاؤبك
24 March 2023
Quran recital is the best form of dhikr in Ramadan
Question Is it correct to say that reciting Quran is the best type of dhikr a person can do during Ramadan?
24 March 2023
Two Surahs recommended by Imam Ghazali to recite after eating
Question Imam Ghazali (rahimahullah) has mentioned two short surahs to read after eating, Surah Ikhlas and Surah Quraysh. Is this authentic?
23 March 2023
Reciting Surah Fath when the Ramadan crescent is sighted
Question I was wondering if there is a Hadith stating that by reciting Surah Fath 3 times when the moon is sighted for Ramadan you will receive barakah in your sustenance for the year.
22 March 2023
Taking care of the Quran and Nabi’s (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) family
Question Is Hadith 3788 in Sunan Tirmidhi authentic? The Hadith is regarding holding on to the Quran and Nabi's (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) family. Some contemporaries have declared it weak.
21 February 2023
Those who follow the teachings of the Quran will never go astray
Question Is this statement of Sayyiduna 'Abdullah ibn 'Abbas (radiyallahu 'anhuma) authentic? ضمن الله لمن اتبع القرآن أن لا يضل في الدنيا ، ولا يشقى في الآخرة……
17 February 2023
Quran/Nubuwwah being revealed in three places
Question What is status of the following narration? عن أبي أمامة أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: «أنزلت علي النبوة في ثلاثة أمكنة: بمكة وبالمدينة وبالشام»……
9 February 2023
A Nabi from those whom Allah did not mention in the Quran
Question What is the status of the following narration? عن علي رضى الله عنه: إن الله تعالى بعث نبياً أسود، فهو ممن لم تذكر قصته في القرآن.……
14 December 2022
Take knowledge from reliable sources
Question Is this authentic? Anas (radiyallahu 'anhu) said: "O Thabit, take from me, for indeed you shall not take from one more trustworthy than me. Verily, I obtained it From Rasulullah (sallallahu…
9 December 2022
Teaching children Quran, a formula for the ummah to remain on good
Question Is the following a Hadith? «لا تزال هذه الأمة بخير ما تعلم ولدانها القرآن»
9 December 2022
An unreliable narration on offering optional Salah after Maghrib on a Thursday
Question Kindly tell me if this Hadith is suitable to practice. Is it authentic? Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "One who performs two rak'ahs on a Friday after Maghrib [which in…
6 December 2022
A crown of honour for the one who devoted himself to the Quran
Question I am looking for the Hadith regarding the Quran speaking on behalf of the man who would recite it and he will be made to wear 'tajul-karamah'
30 November 2022
Recite Surah Yasin upon your deceased
Question Is this Hadith from Ibn Majah authentic? Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Read Surah Yasin to your dead people."