28 November 2018
Not speaking in the presence of senior scholars, despite one’s academic credentials
Question Can you mention the reference for this narration? «إذا رأيت الشاب يتكلم عند المشايخ وإن كان قد بلغ من العلم مبلغا، فآيس من خيره فإنه قليل الحياء»……
31 October 2017
Being unmindful of etiquette leads to being deprived of carrying out obligatory actions
Question Is this a Hadith? من تهاون بالأدب عوقب بحرمان السنن، ومن تهاون بالسنن عوقب بحرمان الفرائض، ومن تهاون بالفرائض عوقب بحرمان المعرفة……
12 August 2017
Using the diminutive form when referring to a Masjid or Quran
Question Is there an authentic narration which disallows using the diminutive form when referring to a Masjid, the Holy Quran or Humans i.e. men and women?
6 July 2017
Sahabah would not commence eating until Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) started
Question Is there a Hadith which mentions that the Sahabah (radiyallahu 'anhum) would not commence eating until Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) would commence?
4 July 2017
Abu Bakr (radiyallahu ‘anhu) would not sit in the place of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) on the mimbar
Question Is this narration authentic? لم يجلس أبو بكر الصديق في مجلس رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم على المنبر حتى لقي الله، ولم يجلس عمر في مجلس أبي بكر حتى لقي الله، ولم يجلس عثمان في مجلس عمر حتى…
16 September 2015
Respect bread
Question Respect bread. It is from the blessings of the skies and earth. Whoever eats fallen bread from the table cloth for him there is maghfirah [salvation]. What is the authenticity of this…
25 May 2015
Why shouldn’t we face our feet towards the qiblah?
Question Is there any Hadith prohibiting one from stretching out feet towards Qiblah?
31 March 2015
Jannah lies beneath the feet of your mother
Question Is the Hadith 'Paradise lies at the foot of your mother' sahih?
3 March 2015
Benefit of cleaning the plate after meals
Question Is it authentic that: If you eat everything on your plate, the plate makes du'a for you?
16 September 2014
The importance of respect in our Din
Question I have heard many quote this statement as a Hadith: Din in it's entirety is Adab. Can you confirm this?
7 March 2014
Difference between Sunnah and adab
Question What is the difference between Sunnah and adab? Is Sunnah something proven from Hadith and adab not proven from Hadith? What is the need for adab if we have the Sunnah of Nabi (sallalahu…