10 February 2023
The ink of the scholars in comparison to the blood of the martyrs
Question Kindly mention whether the following Hadith is suitable to quote: «يوزن يوم القيامة مداد العلماء ودم الشهداء، فيرجح مداد العلماء على دم الشهداء» “On the day of judgement, the ink of the…
25 June 2021
An unauthentic du’a to be recited at the time of being shown a new born baby
Question Is the following du’a appropriate to be read for a baby at the time of birth, and is it authentic? اللهم اجعله بارا تقيا رشيدا و أنبته في الإسلام نباتا حسنا Allahummaj’alhu Barran Taqiyyan…