12 August 2015
Muhammad Al-Fatih
Question My question is about the ahadith that supposedly speak of Muhammad al Faatih. The Ashaa'irah and Maturidiyyah (Ahl ul Sunnah) use this Hadith to show that contrary to the claim of the…
21 April 2015
On which days are our deeds presented to Nabi (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam)?
Question Is there any Hadith which shows that our A'amal (deeds) are presented to Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam) every Monday and Thursday?
20 January 2015
Du’as when entering the Masjid
Question Is the following du'a authentic? "I seek refuge in the Almighty Allah, by His Noble Self and by His primordial reign, from Shaytan the outcast. O Allah, open for me the doors of Your……
23 May 2014
A book that discusses the Attributes of Allah
Question Is there any book in which we can find the Hadiths that discuss the Sifat (attributes) of Allah (according to Ash'ari madhab)? I thought this could be useful against those who claim that all…
13 May 2014
Is there any benefit in planting on the grave?
Question Is it true that if we plant flowers/plants near a grave stone, then the punishment will be eased and is this because the plants worship Allah?
8 March 2014
Are our deeds presented to Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam)?
Question Is there any narration which mentions that the deeds of the Ummah are presented to Rasulullah (salallahu 'alayhi wa sallam)?
21 February 2014
The basis for the kalimahs
Question Would it be possible to tell me where the seven kalimahs, that we are taught from a young age, are derived from? I guess they are derived from the Quran and the Hadith but how did they come…