22 June 2015
Hadith about the grave thief in the Bani Israel
Question I need the exact reference for the Hadith about the grave yard thief in Sahih Bukhari (who was from the Bani Israel)
10 June 2015
Who did Ibrahim (‘alayhis salam) slaughter?
Question What is the correct opinion regarding who was slaughtered by Ibrahim (‘alayhis salam), was it Isma’il or Ishaq (‘alayhimas salam)
22 May 2015
The woman who used to comb the hair of the daughter of Fir’awn
Question Is this story authentic? When Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) was going for Mi'raj, he passed a place from where a fragrance was emanating. Upon inquiry, Jibrail ('alayhis salam) told…
21 March 2015
The wives of Imam Ahmad ibn Hambal (rahimahullah)
Question There is a famous story of Imam Ahmad (rahimahullah) getting married to Ummu Salih who was one eyed but her din was strong . Can you please confirm this story, because Rayhanah (his second…
16 July 2014
Musa (‘alayhis salam) seeking a cure
Question It is constantly heard in speeches the story of Nabi Musa ('alayhis salam) where he has a sickness and is told by Allah to use the leaves of a tree and subsequently gets cured. Then later…
7 July 2014
Sulayman (‘alayhis salam) feeding the entire creation
Question Is the story of Nabi Sulayman ('alayhis salam) taking one whole year to prepare meals for the whole creation authentic?
5 July 2014
The fasting person and Nabi Musa (‘alayhis salam)
Question Please verify the following: Once Musa ('alayhis salam) asked Allah 'Ta'ala O Allah! You have granted me the honour and privilege of talking to you directly, Have you given this privilege…
19 June 2014
The beginning of the Hijri calendar
Question Is there any authentic Hadith which says the Islamic calendar started from when the first Wahi was revealed to Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam) or did it start after Hijra when…
12 June 2014
Muslims using miswak in a battle
Question A very famous incident is always mentioned regarding the virtues of using miswak. In a certain battle the Muslims were suffering some loss. So the leader pondered over the matter and came…
16 April 2014
When was Egypt referred to as "Misr"?
Question Can you please help me in finding out when the first mention of Misr in regards to Egypt was recorded in Hadith literature. Are there any texts which refer to Egypt as Misr at the time of…
25 February 2014
Reference for Musa (‘alayhis salam) putting coal in his mouth as a child
Question I have a question concerning the report concerning Nabi Musa ('alayhis salam) putting the burning coal into his mouth in infancy causing him to stutter when he spoke. Is this proven through…
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