11 March 2019
Translation of a narration regarding the specialities of certain Ambiya
Question What is the translation of the following narration? أتعجبون أن تكون الخلة لإبراهيم والكلام لموسى والرؤية لمحمد صلى الله عليه وسلم……
31 August 2017
Imams Ibn Khuzaymah’s and Ibn Hibban’s rank being higher than Imam Hakim (rahimahumullah)
Question و قالوا ابن خزيمة وابن حبان أمكن وأقوي من الحاكم وأحسن وألطف فى اﻷسانيد والمتون (Mishkat muqaddimah) What does ألطف mean in the above ibarah?……
6 June 2017
Imam Ibn Khuzaymah’s du’a when drinking Zamzam
Question Can you provide the reference for this? سئل [ابن خزيمة] من أين أوتيت العلم؟ فقال: قال رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم- ماء زمزم لما شرب له وإني لما شربت، سألت الله علما نافع……
13 June 2014
Warning against intentionally missing a single fast of Ramadan
Question Kindly verify the following narrations please: “If anyone omits his fast even for one day in Ramadan without a concession or without being ill, then if he were to fast for the rest of his…