24 July 2020
Seeing Allah in Jannah every Friday
Question Is there any authentic Hadith which says that the people of Jannah will see their Rabb every Friday?
15 July 2020
A narration regarding the virtue of passing away on a Friday
Question What is the authenticity and source of the below hadith «ما من مسلم أو مسلمة يموت في يوم الجمعة أو ليلة الجمعة إلا وقي عذاب القبر وفتنة القبر، ولقي الله ولا حساب عليه، وجاء يوم القيامة ومعه…
21 April 2020
Recital of Surah Kahf and protection from Dajjal
Question Reciting Surah Kahf will protect a person from Dajjal. Is this specific to Friday or any day?
3 March 2020
Tawus (rahimahullah) showed great importance to du’a after ‘Asr on Jumu’ah
Question Is the following narration recorded in Musannaf 'Abdur Razzaq? I have failed to locate it therein. عن ابن طاوس عن أبيه أنه كان يتحرى الساعة التي يستجاب فيها الدعاء من يوم الجمعة بعد العصر.…
18 December 2019
Greeting when ascending the mimbar
Question What is the authenticity of this Hadith? أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كان إذا صعد المنبر سلّم
15 November 2019
Salutations (durud) two hundred times on Friday
Question Please verify the authenticity of this Hadith: Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Whoever recites salutations (durud) two hundred (200) times on the day of Jumu'ah, his sins of two…
18 September 2019
Another narration regarding the virtue of arriving early for Jumu’ah
Question What is status of following narration? إن الناس يكونون في قربهم عند النظر إلى وجه الله على قدر بكورهم إلى الجمعة
30 July 2019
Are rewards multiplied seventy times on Fridays?
Question Is there any other proof for rewards being multiplied by seventy on Fridays?
25 July 2019
Trading after Jumu’ah Salah
Question I have heard from someone, that if one reads the Jumu'ah Salah and thereafter proceeds to do some trade or business, there will be goodness in it for him. Could you advise if this statement…
13 March 2019
Authenticity of Imam Shafi’i’s statement regarding du’as being accepted on five nights of the year
Question Is this statement authentically attributed to Imam Shafi'i (rahimahullah)? Imam Shafi'i (rahimahullah) has stated: "I have heard that du'as are accepted by Almighty Allah on five nights: 1)…
8 March 2019
Some virtues for offering Jumu’ah Salah
Question Can you mention a Hadith on the virtue of performing Jumu'ah Salah?
28 February 2019
Missing three Jumu’ahs
Question I wanted to know the status of the following Hadith: Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Whoever neglects Jumu'ah [due to laziness and carelessness] three times without an…
2 October 2018
Fasting and offering Jumu’ah Salah in Madinah Munawwarah
Question Is this narration authentic? Abdullah ibn 'Umar (radiyallahu 'anhuma) said, Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Fasting the month of Ramadan in Madinah is like fasting one thousand…
26 September 2018
The night of Jumu’ah is illuminated and its day is shining and beautiful
Question What is the source of this Hadith? Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "The night of Jumu'ah is illuminated and its day is shining and beautiful"
27 July 2018
Having a bath, applying fragrance and using the miswak on Friday
Question What is the reference for this narration and can it be quoted? Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "This day [Friday] is a day of Eid, Allah Ta'ala has made it such for the…