22 December 2020
Imam Abu Bakr ibn ‘Ayyash completed 18 000 Quran khatms in one corner of his home
Question I am looking for the source and Arabic text for this narration: When Abu Bakr ibn 'Ayyash was about to pass away, his sister cried. He said: "Don't cry! look at that corner of the house.…
12 September 2019
Reality of the statement about when a person completes the Quran…
Question Wanted to know regarding this saying of Sufyan Thawri (rahimahullah) إذا ختم الرجل القرآن قبل الملك بين عينيه 'When a man completes the Quran, an angel kisses him between his eyes.' The…
12 April 2018
Du’as are accepted when the Quran is completed
Question Is this statement authentically attributed to ibn Masud (radiyallahu 'anhu)? Ibrahim Al-Taymi said: 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud said, 'Whoever completes a full recital of the Quran then his du'aʾ…
4 June 2015
Reciting the Takbir when completing the last few Surahs of the Quran
Question Are there any virtues mentioned in the Hadith for reciting the takbir from Surah Duha to Surah Nas when one is completing a recital of the Quran?
4 June 2014
Verification of the famous du’a recited at the completion of the Holy Quran
Question Does the famous du'a, Allahumma aanis wahshati fi qabri which is recited at the completion of Holy Quran appear in the Hadith?
3 June 2014
Starting a new recital of Quran when completing
Question When completing a khatam of the Holy Quran, normally we read till Muflihun (in Surah Baqarah). Is this a Hadith or practice of the pious?