3 March 2023
Constantly reading through and reviewing books will improve one’s memory
Question What is the reference for this narration? Imam Bukhari was asked, "What is it that strengthens one's memory?" He replied, "Constantly looking through books."
5 March 2021
Sufyan’s Thawri (rahimahullah) statement regarding shaytan accompanying a youngster
Question Is this statement authentically attributed to Sufyan Thawri (rahimahullah): "If every woman has one Shaytan accompanying her, then a handsome lad has two."
3 December 2020
The importance and virtues of studying the Arabic language
Question Kindly provide a few narrations regarding virtues and specialties of the Arabic language along with the importance of its study.
9 September 2017
Abiding by the rules of Arabic grammar when reciting Hadith.
Question Should one abide to this rule when reading Hadiths? خطأ شائع بين الطلاب: قراءة همزة القطع في موضع الوصل قال العلامة ابن الحاجب صاحب الكافية في كتابه 'الشافية' و إثباتها أي همزة الوصل وصلا…
16 November 2016
An incident regarding sincerity and dislike for fame
Question Is this incident reliable: قصة صاحب النقب حدّثني أبو حاتم عن الأصمعيّ قال: حدّثنا أبو عمرو الصّفّار قال: حاصر مسلمة حصناً فندب الناس إلى نقب منه، فما دخله أحد. فجاء رجل من عرض الجيش فدخله…
26 September 2016
The enormous stature of the earlier Hadith Masters
Question If a Hadith in Tirmidhi has been declared hasan sahih by Imam Tirmidhi (rahimahullah) but declared weak by contemporary 'Ulama after scrutinising the chain. Which ruling would be given…