24 November 2022
The most concise form of istighfar according to Shah Waliyullah
Question What is the reference for the following du'a cited by Shah Waliyullah? اللهم أغفر لي خطيئتي وجهلي، وإسرافي في أمري، وما أنت أعلم به مني، اللهم اغفر لي جدي وهزلي، وخطئي، وعمدي، وكل ذلك عندي…
2 November 2022
Shah Waliyullah’s ten ways of remembering Allah/dhikr
Question Kindly elaborate on the 10 categories of dhikr classified by Shah Waliyullah in his book, Hujjatullahil Balighah which are namely: 1. Tasbih 2. Tahmid 3. Tahlil 4. Takbir 5. Asking Allah…