
Does it come in a narration that we should not leave the body of the deceased alone as Shaytan has the ability to cause mischief by entering the body?



I have not come across this in a Hadith.

Certain Fiqh books have quoted a statement of Ibrahim Nakha’i (rahimahullah) wherein he said: “They [The Sahabah radiyallahu ‘anhum] would not leave the deceased alone in a home and they would say, ‘Shaytan will interfere with the body.'”

(Al Furu’ -Wa Tas-hihul Furu’-, vol. 3, pg. 273, Kashshaful Qina’ ‘An Matnil Iqna’, vol. 2, pg. 85)

However, I have not come across this narration in any primary source, nor have I come across its chain.


And Allah Ta’ala Knows best.

Answered by: Mawlana Suhail Motala

Approved by: Mawlana Muhammad Abasoomar


التخريج من المصادر العربية

الفروع وتصحيح الفروع: (٣٢٧٣)
ويكره تركه في بيت وحده. «قال النخعي: كانوا لا يدعونه في بيت وحده يقولون: يتلاعب به الشيطان».

كشاف القناع عن متن الإقناع: (٢٨٥)
(قال الآجري فيمن مات عشية: يكره تركه في بيت وحده، بل يبيت معه أهله) قال النخعي: «كانوا لا يتركونه في بيت وحده يقولون: يتلاعب به الشيطان».