Kindly provide the reference for this narration:
“When Ayyub As Sakhtiyani (rahimahullah) would be informed of the death of someone from the ‘Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah’, he would say it is as though I have lost one of my limbs”
Imam Abu Nu’aym (rahimahullah) has recorded this narration on the authority of Sufyan ibn ‘Uyaynah and Hammad ibn Zayd (rahimahumallah).
(Hilyatul Awliya, vol. 3 pg. 9)
And Allah Ta’ala Knows best.
Answered by: Moulana Suhail Motala
Approved by: Moulana Muhammad Abasoomar
Checked by: Moulana Haroon Abasoomar