
A brother sent me and others an email criticizing Fada’il al-A’mal with the following:

In Fada’il al-A’mal you will find that some hadiths have been taken from the book called Dhayl al-‘Ali of Imam Suyuti, which means “Tails Of Pearls”, but in the meantime the real name of the book is Dhayl -La’ali al-Masnu’a fil-Hadithil-Maudu’a which means “Tails of made up pearls in fabricated hadiths”.

There is a hadith on page 142 of Virtues of Dhikr, hadith no.28 which in English tells us about Adam (‘alaihis salam) and how he asked forgiveness from Allah when he saw the Prophet (sallallahu’alaihi wasallam) name on the ’Arsh. Now, if you read the same hadith on the same page in Arabic you will find the word MAWDU’ which we know means fabricated. The same is not translated into English or Urdu for that matter. That is a clear lie on the Prophet (sallallahu’alaihi wasallam)



The literal translation of the title of that book is indeed correct, but the object of the author was not to mention fabricated hadiths only. In fact, he mentions hadiths that some ‘Ulama claim to be fabricated and then challenges that ruling. In some instances, he concedes to the verdict of those ‘Ulama and in others he differs and proves the authenticity of these hadiths. The latter case is actually the purpose of the book. The proverb is famous, ‘Don’t judge a book by its cover!’

Furthermore, just by the word ‘mawdu’’ (fabricated)  being written in the Arabic commentary does not necessitate that the actual hadith that was quoted is fabricated. In fact, the author Shaykh Muhammad Zakariyya (rahimahullah) cited the ruling of mawdu’ (fabrication) in regard to another narration and not in regards to hadith no.28. Anyone with slight knowledge of the Arabic language will understand this from that passage.

The need for caution in negation

Moreover, based on such a misunderstanding for one to go further and comment on that particular hadith (no.28) being ‘a clear lie on the Prophet (sallallahu’alaihi wasallam)’ is senseless! In fact, that hadith is hasan (sound), neither weak nor fabricated. (See Raf’ul-Manarah pg.248 and Ar-Raddul-muhkamul-matin pg.138)

May Allah Ta’ala save us all from such irrational decisions regarding the noble sayings of Rasulullah (sallallahu’alaihi wasallam).

Its really sad how easily some individuals boldly negate certain established sunnats and hadiths of Rasulullah (sallallahu’alaihi wasallam)


And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best


Answered by: Moulana Muhammad Abasoomar


Checked by: Moulana Haroon Abasoomar