23 July 2020
Gaining two rewards while reciting the Quran
Question Regarding the following Hadith, is it correct to translate the word “أجران” as “double”? And is the Hadith implicating that the one who recites with difficulty receives a greater reward? عن…
17 February 2016
The sanctity of the graveside of Rasulullah (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam)
Question I would like to query regarding a certain quotation in Fadail Haj wherein it is stated that the soil touching the mubarak body of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) is superior to the…
12 November 2015
The multiple benefits of using the miswak
Question What is status of following narration? Please provide its original source, and can it be quoted? It is written in Fadail A'mal like this.(more or less) Some Ulama say that in punctual usage…
24 March 2015
A follow up query on a Hadith in Majalisul Abrar
Question I wanted to ask regarding your answer in this link:http://www.hadithanswers.com/reference-for-the-hadith-of-spending-1-huqb-in-jahannam/ Shaykh Zakariya (rahimahullah) said that this…
4 July 2014
The famous Hadith on the virtues of the three sets of ten days of Ramadan
Question Please confirm the following : “The first part of the month of Ramadan is mercy, the middle of it is forgiveness and the end of it is freedom from the Fire.” Some people have said that this…
24 April 2014
Reference for the Hadith of spending one huqb in Jahannam
Question Is there a reference for this Hadith apart from being in Fadail A'mal? A person neglecting his Salah shall remain in Jahannam for a period of one Huqb
7 February 2014
Is this a fabrication in Fadail-A’mal?
Question A brother sent me and others an email criticizing Fada’il al-A’mal with the following: In Fada’il al-A’mal you will find that some hadiths have been taken from the book called Dhayl al-‘Ali…
1 February 2014
Clarification on the miraculous achievements of the ‘Ulama
Question I find the book Fadail A'mal informative in its explaining themes through Quranic Ayah and Ahadith. However, I find some of the other material very strange. For example, in Fazail of salah,…
16 December 2013
Fadail A’mal mentions Kashf, is this shirk?
Question In the book: Fada’il al-A’mal, first edition 1994 of the English translation. On the end of page 21 of Virtues of Salah, you will find the words ascribing kasha of “seeing sins falling…