8 February 2023
‘Ali (radiyallahu ‘anhu) responding to the Jews regarding ‘Aqidah and Allah Ta’ala
Question What is the authenticity of this narration? Sayyiduna 'Ali (radiyallahu 'anhu) answers the Jewish rabbi's questions: 1- Assembly of Jews, listen to me. Don't be concerned about asking anyone…
7 October 2021
A statement regarding the complete Knowledge of Allah Ta’ala
Question Please provide a reference for the following narration: يعلم دبيب النملة السوداء على الصخرة الصماء في الليلة الظلماء
28 January 2017
Hadithul Aw’al, A Hadith on the vastness of the galaxy
Question I have heard this narration and would like to know if it is authentic? هل تدرون كم بعد ما بين السماء والأرض؟ قالوا: لا، والله ما ندري، قال: فإن بعد ما بينهما إما واحدة، وإما اثنتان، أو ثلاث…
6 April 2016
Clarification regarding the statement: ‘They were the companions of my grandfather’
Question Is this a statement of Sayyiduna Hasan or Sayyiduna Husayn (radiyallahu 'anhuma) regarding Sayyiduna Abu Bakr and Sayyiduna 'Umar (radiyallahu 'anhuma) 'They were the companions of my…
8 December 2015
Hadith on the power of du’a
Question What is the source of this tradition? 'Nothing can change qada [al-mu'allaq]. Only du'a can change it; and only favours/goodness can lengthen one's lifetime."
13 August 2015
Sayyiduna ‘Umar and the plague of ‘Amawas
Question Kindly narrate the full Hadith where there was a plague and Sayyiduna 'Umar ibn Al Khattab (radiyallahu 'anhu) said 'We have come from the Qadar of Allah to The Qadar of Allah'. Kindly…
2 June 2015
A brief bio of Imam Abu Mansur Al Maturidi
Question Kindly provide a brief bio on Imam Abu Mansur Al Maturidi
20 November 2014
Eternity in Jannah
Question In the Hereafter a person either goes to Jannah or Jahannam or spends some time in Jahannam and then goes to Jannah, that life has no ending as if it's eternal. My question is that eternity…
11 June 2014
How many Ambiya (‘alayhimus salam) were sent to this world?
Question Were one hundred and twenty four thousand (124 000) Ambiya ('alayhimus salam) sent to this world? Is there a mention of this in authentic Hadiths?