22 May 2023
A du’a to recite when affected by the evil eye
Question What is the authenticity of this Hadith? The Du'a to be recited when the evil eye is cast on one. When the evil eye falls on one then he should shake it off by saying this blessed saying of…
17 March 2022
Another narration on the ill effect of the evil eye
Question Is this a Hadith? "The evil-eye is true. It puts a camel in a cooking pot and a man in the grave."
16 March 2022
The evil eye could have preceded taqdir
Question Is this a Hadith? "The evil-eye is true. If the evil- eye raced with fate, it would beat fate (it would change fate)" What du'as can be recited for protection from the evil eye?
17 June 2019
A du’a for protection against the evil eye
Question What is the authenticity of this narration? "It is mentioned in Tafsir Ibn Kathir that once Jibril ('alayhis salam) came to visit Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) and saw that he was very…
4 February 2019
The ill effect of the evil eye
Question I wanted to know the authenticity of this Hadith: Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "The evil eye is real and can bring a person down from a high mountain."
20 February 2018
Death due to the evil eye
Question What is status of following narration ? أَكْثرُ مَنْ يموتُ منْ أمتِي بعدَ قضاءِ اللهِ وقدَرِهِ بالعينِ
7 August 2017
Make du’a for barakah to protect yourself from the evil eye
Question Is the following Hadith authentic? Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said, “Whoever among you sees something in himself or his brother, [of some possession/wealth] that he likes, let him…
24 July 2017
What to recite when a person is amazed at his wealth and other bounties
Question Kindly provide the reference for the following Hadith. An article mentioned that to recite this is bid'ah (innovation), so I would like clarification. "Whoever sees something, likes it and…