8 July 2024
Imam A’amash and Imam Abu Hanifah (rahimahumallah)
Question In which book is it stated the Imam A'amash was a teacher of Imam Abu Hanifah (rahimahumallah)?
22 September 2023
Imam Abu Hanifah’s (rahimahullah) intention/du’a when drinking Zam Zam
Question I have heard that when Imam Abu Hanifah (rahimahullah) drank Zam Zam water, he made du'a that Allah accept all his future du'as made with raised hands. Can you locate this supplication?
27 November 2019
Imam Abu Hanifah’s (rahimahullah) response when told “Fear Allah!”
Question Can you mention the reference for this? A man told Imam Abu Hanifah (rahimahullah) to fear Allah and he began shaking and became pale. Then Imam Abu Hanifah (rahimahullah) said, "May Allah…
4 March 2019
Meaning of Imam Abu Hanifa’s statement regarding ‘Al Gharib’
Question What is meant by the following statement of Imam Abu Hanifah (rahimahullah) regarding Al Gharib: من طلبها كذّب Man talabaha kuddhiba
6 March 2017
Advice of the Imams of Fiqh to their qualified students
Question 'When a Hadith is authentic, abide by it and leave my opinion.' I heard from someone that the above statement was issued by Imam Abu Hanifah to Imam Abu Yusuf, and Imam Shafi'i to Al Rab'i,…
21 September 2016
Imam Abu Hanifah (rahimahullah) being able to see the sins being washed in wudu
Question I wanted to know the authenticity of the narration which states that Imam Abu Hanifah (rahimahullah) could see which sins were wash away while making wudu. Was Imam Sharani (rahimahullah)…
21 August 2016
Which Sahabi did Imam Abu Hanifah (rahimahullah) see?
Question Can you confirm which Sahabi did Imam Abu Hanifah (rahimahullah) see?
4 May 2016
Imam Shafi’i’s visits to the grave of Imam Abu Hanifah (rahimahumallah)
Question I want to know the authenticity of this incident and the reliability of the narrators of this story. Imam Shafi'i (rahimahullah) used to visit the grave of Imam Abu Hanifah (rahimahullah),…