6 March 2024
Do not assist oppressive leaders
Question Is this narration authentic? Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said, "Verily, there will be rulers after me, so do not affirm their lies, nor help them in their wrongdoing. Whoever affirms…
25 October 2023
The different stages of leadership this ummah will go through
Question Is this Hadith authentic? «أول هذا الأمر نبوة ورحمة، ثم يكون خلافة ورحمة، ثم يكون ملكا ورحمة، ثم يكون إمارة ورحمة، ثم يتكادمون عليه تكادم الحمر فعليكم بالجهاد، وإن أفضل جهادكم الرباط، وإن…
14 February 2023
One should not seek positions of authority
Question Is this narration authentic? Nabi said: "Whoever seeks positions of authority or power, it should not be given them."