29 March 2023
The blessed morning meal in Ramadan
Question Is this an authentic Hadith? «هلم إلى الغداء المبارك»
1 July 2022
The Ambiya were ordered to do three things
Question What is the status of this Hadith? ثلاث من سنن المرسلين، تعجيل الإفطار، و تأخير السحور، واخذ الشمال باليمين في الصلاة
19 April 2021
Authenticity of the Hadith stating that suhur is full of blessings
Question Please can you give the authenticity and Arabic text of your previous answer: "Suhur is full of blessings. Hence, do not omit it, even if one is able to have a sip of water at the time of…
14 April 2021
Partake of suhur to assist with fasting during the day
Question Partake of Sehri to assist with fasting during the day and have a siesta to assist with standing up for prayer at night
22 June 2018
Food eaten at sehri
Question Is there a Hadith which states that a person who eats suhur/sehri, will not be asked about that bounty/will not be held accountable for that food?
18 May 2018
Suhur/Sehri; the blessed meal
Question عن عائشة قالت قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: قربي إلينا الغداء المبارك يعني السحور
9 June 2017
The Ambiya (‘alayhimus salam) were commanded to hasten iftar and delay sehri
Question Is there a Hadith which states that the Ambiya were ordered to hasten iftar and delay sehri?