15 March 2023
Building lofty Masjids
Question Is this Hadith authentic? Ibn 'Abbas (radiyallahu 'anhuma) reported that Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "I have not been ordered to build lofty mosques." Ibn 'Abbas added: "You…
15 April 2021
Taking Allah’s name before eating
Question What is the grading of the following Hadith? "We were with the Prophet when food was presented to him, and I never saw food which had greater blessing when we began to eat, or less when we…
29 March 2021
Having hope in the great mercy of Allah Ta’ala
Question Does the following Hadith come in more detail? Sayyiduna Anas (radiyallahu ‘anhu) has narrated that Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam) said: ‘Four people will come out of the fire [of…
20 November 2019
Sahabah (radiyallahu ‘anhum) would keep their beards clean
Question Ibrahim An Nakha'i (rahimahullah) said: "They [The Sahabah radiyallahu 'anhum] used to trim their beards on the sides." (Sharhus Sunnah).
23 August 2019
A time will come wherein a person will only be concerned about his belly
Question Can you confirm the source of this Hadith? ليأتين على الناس زمان يكون همة أحدهم فيه بطنه ودينه هواه
26 July 2019
Hasan’s Al Basri (rahimahullah) advice to a father regarding his daughter’s marriage
Question Can you mention the Arabic text and reference for this narration? Hasan Al Basri (rahimahullah) said: "Marry your daughter to the one who fears Allah. If he loves her, he will honour her. If…
5 July 2019
Accept the truth regardless of who it comes from
Question What is the reference of this Hadith? من جاءك بالحق فاقبل منه، وإن كان بعيدا قصيا/بغيضا، ومن جاءك بالباطل فاردده، وإن كان قريبا حبيبا……
13 February 2019
Calling the Adhan and Iqamah in the ears of a newborn
Question Please provide some proofs for performing Adhan and Iqamah for a newborn baby.
10 October 2017
‘It has not been revealed to me that I amass wealth and be a trader’
Question Is this authentic? ما أوحي إلي أن أجمع المال وأكون من التاجرين ولكن أوحي إلي أن فسبح بحمد ربك وكن من الساجدين واعبد ربك حتى يأتيك اليقين……
8 September 2017
Who is the author of Sharhus Sunnah?
Question In Mirqatul Mafatih, Mulla 'Ali Al Qari (rahimahullah) sometimes quotes from 'Sharhus Sunnah.' Who is the author of the book Sharhus Sunnah?
6 October 2015
Will we acquire the promised virtue even without fulfilling the clauses?
Question The virtues for certain A'mal are mentioned with certain clauses. If these clauses are not fulfilled does one receive the same virtue? eg Ishraq Salah earning a person the reward of Hajj and…