6 September 2019
A follow up query regarding reciting Surah Sajdah and Surah Mulk between Maghrib and ‘Isha
Question What is the authenticity of the following Hadith which specifically mentions between Maghrib and 'Isha: Whomsoever recites Surah Sajdah and Surah Mulk between Maghrib and 'Isha, it is as…
27 July 2018
Reciting Surah Sajdah to repel Shaytan?
Question Is this Hadith authentic? Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Shaytan does not enter the house for three days when Surah Sajdah is recited"
14 July 2016
A narration regarding the Masnun Surahs of the Friday Fajr Salah
Question What is the status of this narration in Tabarani which has the additional words 'يديم ذلك'? 'كان يقرأ في صلاة الصبح يوم الجمعة الم تنزيل السجدة، وهل أتى على الإنسان يديم ذلك' Translation…
5 March 2016
Reciting certain Surahs at night
Question What is the authenticity of the following narration? قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : من قرأ في ليلة : الم تنزيل السجدة، و يس واقتربت الساعة ، و تبارك الذي بيده الملك كن له نورا، وحرزا من…
17 December 2015
Reward for reciting Surah Sajdah and Surah Mulk
Question What is the status of the following Hadith? من قرأ الم تنزیل و تبارك الذي بیده الملك في یوم ولیلة فكانما وافق لیلة القدر Translation Whomsoever recites [Surah Sajdah] and [Surah Mulk] on any…
3 November 2015
The Masnun Surahs of Fajr Salah on Friday
Question What are the Masnun Surahs for the fard of Fajr Salah on Friday?
25 August 2014
Virtues of Surah Mulk and Surah Sajdah
Question What is the virtue of reciting Surah Mulk and Surah Sajdah at night?