Is this du’a mentioned in any Hadith and is there any virtue for reciting it?
اللهم لك الحمد حمدا يوافي نعمك، ويكافئ مزيدك، أحمدك بجميع محامدك ما علمت منها وما لم أعلم على جميع نعمك ما علمت منها وما لم أعلم، وعلى كل حال
Allahumma lakal hamdu hamday yuwafi ni’amaka wa yukafi-u mazidak. Ahmaduka bijami’i mahamidika ma ‘alimtu minha wa ma lam a’alam ‘ala jami’i ni’amika ma ‘alimtu minha wa ma lam a’alam
This du’a is quoted as one to be recited at the Multazam. However, Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al ‘Asqalani (rahimahullah) states that he has not come across any basis [in Hadith] for this.
(Al Adhkar, pg.329-330, Minhaj edition, Nataijul Afkar, vol.5 pg.291 and Al Futuhatur Rabbaniyyah, vol.4 pg.391)
Shaykh ‘Abdul Fattah Abu Ghuddah (rahimahullah) has dismissed the authenticity of another du’a which contains similar words. He further states that the meaning of the words ‘حمدا يوافي نعمك، ويكافئ مزيدك- hamday yuwafi ni’amaka wa yukafi-u mazidak’ are incorrect. No person can praise Allah Ta’ala equal to His bounties.
(Risalatul Mustarshidin, pg.249-251)
These particular words should therefore not be quoted/recited.
O Allah! All praise belongs to you. Praise that is commensurate with Your bounties and equal to Your abundance. I praise you with all of Your praises, those which I know and those which I don’t know for all of your favours which I am aware of as well as those I am unaware of under all conditions.
And Allah Ta’ala knows best.
Answered by: Moulana Suhail Motala
Approved by: Moulana Muhammad Abasoomar
Checked by: Moulana Haroon Abasoomar