29 April 2021
The Bedouin who pulled the garment of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) leaving a mark
Question Kindly provide the full text of the Hadith regarding the Bedouin who pulled Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) by his garment, leaving imprints on his neck.
8 April 2021
A narration explaining the lengthy lifespans of the nations of the past
Question Is this authentic? إن كان الرجل ممن كان قبلكم ليأتي عليه ثمانون سنة قبل أن يحتلم
1 April 2021
The warning sermon on Mount Safa
Question Has this Hadith appeared with the following wording in any narration? "From the mountain he [i.e., Rasulullah – sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam] asked the people of Makkah: ‘If I say on the…
3 March 2021
Authenticity of the Hadith regarding the murder of a shepherd
Question What is the authenticity of the following Hadith? Anas ibn Malik (radiyallahu 'anhu) narrated that the climate of Madinah did not suit some people, so Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam)…
17 February 2021
“I don’t know what is behind this wall of mine”
Question Kindly provide the reference and authenticity of the following Hadith: Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: "I don’t know what is behind this wall of mine."
25 December 2020
Length and Wording of the Famous Nashid “Tala’al Badru ‘Alayna”
Question Regarding the famous poem, طلع البدر علينا, I have come across it beginning with different wordings such as طلع، طالع، أشرق etc. What is the correct wording of the poem? Similarly, I have…
24 December 2020
You shall die as you sleep and be resurrected as you awaken
Question Was the following Hadith something Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said in his first public address to the Makkans? “By Allah, you shall die as you sleep, and you shall be resurrected as…
23 December 2020
Musaylamah the liar approaches Madinah
Question Kindly provide the translation and reference of the following narration: عن ابن عباس قال: قدم مسيلمة الكذاب على عهد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، فجعل يقول: إن جعل لي محمد الأمر من بعده…
15 December 2020
“My Rabb has perfected my good manners and conduct”
Question What is the authenticity of the following Hadith: ادّبني ربي فاحسن تاديبي My Rabb has educated/nurtured me and has perfected my conduct
10 December 2020
The tree that was forbidden for Adam (‘alayhis Salam)
Question Is it mentioned in Hadith which type of tree/fruit in particular, Sayyiduna Adam ('alayhis salam) was forbidden from going towards?
7 December 2020
When was the famous poem “Tala’al badru ‘alayna” recited?
Question When was the famous poem “Tala’al badru ‘alayna” recited? Was it when Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) arrived in Madinah Munawwarah at the time of Hijrah, some other occasion, or on…
2 December 2020
The angel of death approaching Ya’qub (‘alayhis salam)
Question Kindly provide me with the authenticity of the following narration: When Ya’qub (‘alayhis salam) was in grief, the angel of death appeared before him and Ya’qub (‘alayhis salam) asked: “Did…
9 November 2020
Nabi’s (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) name; Al ‘Aqib
Question I saw the following quote: "It is obvious that the words 'and Al-'Aqib is he after whom there is no prophet' have been added as a commentary by a companion or someone afterwards." (Mirqat,…
29 October 2020
Another version of the narration regarding Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) being instilled with the qualities of other Ambiya
Question Is this Hadith authentic and suitable to quote, regarding the birth of Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) which is found in Al Khasaisul Kubra, page 118)? قالت: رأيت سحابة عظيمة لها نور،…
1 October 2020
Jibril (‘alayhis salam) brought a scroll to Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) in the cave of Hira
Question What is the authenticity of this narration which states that Jibril ('alayhis salam) came with a scroll to Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam)? عن محمد بن إسحاق قال: حدثني وهب بن كيسان، أنه…