12 February 2020
Definitions of certain sitting postures
Question Are the sitting postures known as الاحتباء and القرفصاء the same? عن أبى سعيد الخدرى رضي الله عنه أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم-كان إذا جلس احتبى بيده (Sunan Abi Dawud, Hadith: 4846)…
30 January 2020
Hadith commentaries other than the famous commentaries on the Sihah sittah
Question Where can I find explanations of Hadith besides the commentaries of the Sihah Sittah and other famous Hadith books other than Faydul Qadir?
28 January 2020
Meaning of the word Qinnin
Question I would like to know the meaning of the word 'Qinnin', which is forbidden in a Hadith. Does this word have anything to do with gambling?
15 October 2019
Meaning of the word mazamir
Question What is the meaning of the word 'mizmar/mazamir'? Does it refer to wind instruments only or musical instruments in general?
10 April 2019
The earthquake of Qiyamah
Question Is this narration authentic and what does it mean? قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: لتقمصن بكم قماص البكر، يعني: الأرض
17 July 2018
The stone of Baytul Maqdis from Jannah
Question What is the status of the following narration and what is meant by 'stone/rock'? Is it the Hajarul Aswad or the Stone of Baytul Maqdis? الصخرة من الجنة The rock/stone is from Jannah……
20 November 2017
Three good qualities
Question What is the status, translation and explanation of the following Hadith Sharif: ثلاث لا يغل عليهن قلب مسلم: إخلاص العمل لله، والنصح لأئمة المسلمين، ولزوم جماعتهم……
4 October 2017
A follow up query on the Sahabi who picked up a morsel of food
Question In the narration where Sayyiduna Ma'qil ibn Yasar (radiyallahu 'anhu) picked up a morsel of food which fell, wiped it and ate it, there is mention of farmers or Bedouins poking fun at this.…
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