26 November 2018
Associating with an innovator will cause spiritual illness
Question What is the translation of the below quote? وعن الحسن: لا تجالس صاحب بدعة فإنه يمرض قلبك
18 September 2018
Reference for the narration on the risks of associating with an innovator
Question What is the reference for this narration on the risks of associating with an innovator? Sufyan Thawri (rahimahullah) said: "Whoever associates with an innovator puts himself at risk of one…
24 July 2018
Explanation of the words: ‘As habul ahwa’
Question In the following text does أهل الأهواء specifically refer to people of innovation or does it have a more general meaning (people of desire)? عَنِ الْحَسَنِ وَابْنِ سِيرِينَ: أَنَّهُمَا…
28 September 2017
Applying surma on the day of ‘Aashura (10th Muharram)- a bid’ah
Question Does the practice of applying surmah on the day of 'Ashura (10th Muharram) have any proof?
7 June 2017
The harms of eating to one’s fill
Question Is there a saying of Sayyidatuna 'Aaishah (radiyallahu 'anha) which is as follows: 'The first bid'ah of this ummah is to eat a full (stomach)' What is the authenticity, reference and…
20 April 2017
A Hadith stating that the actions of an innovator are not accepted
Question Is this Hadith authentic? "Allah Ta'ala does not accept the fast, the Salah, the charity, the Hajj and 'Umrah, the Jihad and the tawbah of the one who indulges in bid'ah [innovation]. He…
28 December 2016
Warning against innovation (bid’ah)
Question Which narration (with authentication) warns against bid‘ah, and what is the meaning of bid'ah?
19 September 2016
Meaning of ‘Remaining on the Sunnah’
Question I have a question which has perplexed me for some time now. In many Hadiths we find an imperative to remain firm upon the sunnah, never to abandon the sunnah, to ensure that one is…
30 July 2016
Remaining steadfast on Sunnah at all times
Question What is the authenticity and explanation of the following narration: لكل عمل شرة ولكل شرة فترة فمن كانت فترته إلى سنتي فقد اهتدى ومن كانت فترته إلى غير ذلك فقد هلك……
17 June 2016
Adopting moderation when practising a Sunnah is better than striving in bid’ah
Question Is this Hadith authentic? "Adopting moderation in practising upon the Sunnah is better than striving and exerting oneself in innovatory practices"
17 November 2015
A Hadith on istinja after passing wind
Question What is the status of the following Hadith? "Whoever does istinja (washes his private parts) after passing wind is not one of us"
6 May 2015
There are no specific forms of salah for the 27th night of Rajab
Question Are there any specific nafl prayers to be prayed in the night of Mi'raj, the 27th of Rajab?
22 April 2015
An unauthentic Hadith regarding the repellents of Bid’ah
Question Is the following narration authentic? إن لله تعالى عند كل بدعة كيد بها الإسلام و أهله وليا صالحا يذب عنه و يتكلم بعلاماته فاغتنموا حضور تلك المجالس بالذب عن الضعفاء و توكلوا على الله و كفى…
17 October 2014
Saying salam at the rawdah-graveside of Nabi (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam)
Question I would like to ask a question regarding salam at the graveside of Rasulullah (sallallahu'alayhi wasallam) (the Rawdah). Is there any reward or other special benefit in saying salam to…
28 February 2014
Verification of Hadith on honouring innovators
Question Is the following narration authentic? Whoever honours an innovator has certainly assisted in destroying Islam.
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