25 September 2023
The reason as to why Riba (interest) is worse than adultery
Question Can you please elaborate on a Hadith which mentions something to the effect that consuming Riba is worse than committing Zina with one's own mother? There was a discussion on this in one…
26 November 2020
Riba/usury will always end up in poverty and humiliation
Question Is the following Hadith recorded in Musnad Ahmad authentic? "No matter how much interest you have it will decrease." (Musnad Ahmad, Hadith: 3753)
18 April 2017
Deeds which draw the curse of Allah Ta’ala
Question Could you mention a few examples of deeds which deserve the curse of Allah Ta'ala and Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam)?
23 April 2015
The seven most major sins
Question Some Hadiths warn us about the seven major sins, what are these seven sins?
24 March 2014
Is Riba (interest) as serious as adultery?
Question Are the Hadiths that liken Riba (usury) to incest or adultery fabricated? Has any scholar ever classified these Hadiths as fabricated?