17 August 2023
The Euphrates will dry up exposing gold
Question There is a Hadith narrated by Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah (radiyallahu 'anhu) in Kitabul Fitan that says a fourth tribulation will last 18 years then it will disclose what it discloses and then…
18 November 2022
Mines will appear in the Arabian peninsula
Question Is the below Hadith authentic? «تخرج معادن مختلفة معدن منها قريب من الحجاز يأتيه من شرار الناس، يقال له فرعون، فبينما هم يعملون فيه إذ حسر عن الذهب فأعجبهم معتمله إذ خسف به وبهم»……
26 January 2021
Severity of the Fitnah of the West
Question Are the Hadiths that have been cited in the chapter of 'The Fitnah from the Maghrib Region' of Nu’aym ibn Hammad’s (rahimahullah) compilation authentic? For example, the following narration…
9 July 2020
Famine before Qiyamah
Question Please explain whether the following narration is reliable: عن خالد بن معدان رحمه الله قال: إذا رأيتم عمودا من نار من قبل المشرق في شهر رمضان في السماء فأعدوا من الطعام ما استطعتم فإنها سنة…
5 July 2018
An unreliable narration on earthquakes and lightening before Qiyamah
Question Can I quote this narration? Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah (radiyallahu 'anhu) said: "Soon you will not find homes for shelter nor conveyances to transport you. When questioned, Sayyiduna Abu…
20 February 2018
Imam Nu’aym ibn Hammad and his book ‘Kitabul Fitan’
Question Can you shed some light on the Hadith Scholar, Imam Nu'aym ibn Hammad and his book Kitabul Fitan? Is he reliable and are the Hadiths found in this book reliable?