28 October 2021
Another query about the Hadith on being two faced
Question Regarding the Hadith: من كان ذا وجهين في الدنيا كان له يوم القيامة لسانان من نار In most copies of Zadut Talibin I have referred to, the Hadith has the word لسان (singular). The reference in…
13 November 2018
Pronunciation of a word in the last Hadith of Mishkatul Masabih
Question With regard to the last Hadith of Mishkatul Masabih, is the word recited as one تَتِمُّوْنَ [with a fathah on the taa] or تُتِمُّوْنَ [dammah on the taa]?
20 September 2017
Meaning of a term used in Mirqat
Question In Mirqatul Mafatih sometimes when discussing details about a rawi Mullah 'Ali Qari says ذكره المؤلف . Who is المؤلف?
18 September 2017
Three good deeds
Question Is this correct? Allah Ta'ala will make the hour of death easy for the one who possesses the following three qualities and enter him into Jannah: 1. Kindness to the weak 2. Treating his…
8 September 2017
Who is the author of Sharhus Sunnah?
Question In Mirqatul Mafatih, Mulla 'Ali Al Qari (rahimahullah) sometimes quotes from 'Sharhus Sunnah.' Who is the author of the book Sharhus Sunnah?
2 August 2017
The creation of ‘Aql (intelligence)
Question 1. What is status of following Hadith? لما خلق الله العقل قال له: قم، فقام، ثم قال له: أدبر، فأدبر، ثم قال له: أقبل، فأقبل، ثم قال له: اقعد، فقعد، فقال: ما خلقت خلقاً هو خير منك، ولا أفضل…
20 October 2016
Hadith on the duties of the ‘Ulama
Question I came across a very interesting and beautiful Hadith: The Messenger (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: "This sacred knowledge will be borne by the reliable authorities of each successive…
13 April 2015
Correct wording on the virtue of the sunnah
Question Which version of this narration is correct, or are all correct? من احب سنتى فقد احبنى ومن أحبني كان معي في الجنة 'He who loves my sunnah, loves me. Whoever loves me will be with me in…
8 April 2014
Differences between Mishkat and Masabih
Question Kindly explain what changes in the form of of additions or subtractions etc. 'Allamah Tibrezi (rahimahullah) made in his Mishkatul Masabih in comparison to the hadith book Masabih?
17 March 2014
Hadith: How wonderful is a man who understands Din
Question Is the following narration authentic: نعم الرجل الفقيه فى الدين ان احتيج اليه نفع وان استغنى عنه أغنى نفسه Translation: How wonderful is a man who understands Din, if he is needed he…