16 July 2024
The difference between Haddathana and Akhbarana
Question Kindly explain the terminologies "haddathana" and "akhbarana"
13 February 2024
Definition and ruling of the Hadith of a mukhtalit
Question If there is a narrator who became 'mukhtalit' in his old age, how would it affect the authenticity of the narration?
27 July 2023
The definition of as-sahih li dhatihi
Question How do the Muhaddithun classify a Hadith as sahih?
12 July 2023
An unreliable narration on the narcissus/daffodil flower
Question What is the status of the following about the Narcissus flower: Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: "Smell a narcissus, even if only once in a lifetime. For in the heart of man…
22 August 2022
Clarification regarding the name of a narrator appearing in Sahih Muslim
Question In the following chain which appears in Sahih Muslim, is the narrator Muhammad ibn Hazim with a 'ha (ح)' or Muhammad ibn Khazim with a 'kha (خ)'? حدثنا أبو بكر بن أبي شيبة، وعمرو الناقد،…
3 August 2022
The Muwatta of Imam ‘Abdullah ibn Wahb
Question Is the Muwatta 'Abdillah ibn Wahb [a portion of which has been published] one of the riwayaat of Muwatta Imam Malik or a separate Muwatta of Imam 'Abdullah ibn Wahb?
10 February 2022
The status of the marasil of Sa’id ibn Musayyab (rahimahullah)
Question What is the status of the marasil of Sa'id ibn Musayyab (rahimahullah)?
2 November 2021
Definition of a gharib Hadith
Question What is gharib narration? Can a gharib narration still be sahih or hasan?
8 February 2021
The authenticity of the narrations in Al Adhkar of Imam Nawawi (rahimahullah)
Question What is the status of al-Adhkar of Imam Nawawi (rahimahullah)? Are all the Hadiths suitable for practice?
3 December 2020
The importance and virtues of studying the Arabic language
Question Kindly provide a few narrations regarding virtues and specialties of the Arabic language along with the importance of its study.
18 November 2020
Definition and ruling of Tadlis
Question What is the meaning of the word Tadlis and Mudallis with respect to the science of Hadith and also the position of the status or grade of Hadith whose one or more of its transmitters is…
26 October 2020
The status of the sanad; ‘Amr ibn Shu’ayb ‘an abihi ‘an jaddihi
Question Would you be so kind as to please provide me with some information about the sanad (chain of narrators) of عمرو بن شعيب عن أبيه عن جده (on the authority of 'Amr ibn Shu'ayb who reported…
16 October 2020
Meaning of daily Sadaqah
Question Is the following narration recorded in Musnad At-Tayalisi acceptable to attribute to Nabi (salallahu alayhi wasalam)? على كل مسلم صدقة في كل يوم (Musnad At-Tayalisi, Hadith:……
16 September 2020
Meaning of the term ‘لا بأس به’ (la ba-sa bihi)
Question If a Muhaddith is saying 'la ba-sa bihi' (لا بأس به) then is he praising a narrator or criticising him?
27 July 2020
Preservation of the knowledge of Din during each generation
Question Kindly provide some commentary on the following Hadith: ‘This sacred knowledge will be borne by the reliable authorities of each successive generation, who will [preserve it and] remove from…