20 November 2018
An untraceable Hadith on the virtue of one who earns
Question What is status of following narration? الكاسب حبيب الله
9 October 2018
A Believer in the Masjid is like a fish in water
Question Is the following a Hadith? "A believer in the Masjid is like a fish in the water and a hypocrite in the Masjid is like a bird in the cage"
10 September 2018
Nabi’s (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) exclusive time with Allah
Question What is reference of following narration? لي مع الله وقت لا يسع فيه ملك مقرب ولا نبي مرسل
6 August 2018
A narration regarding Sayyiduna ‘Ali, Hasan, Husayn (radiyallahu’anhum) and nine children of Husayn (radiyallahu ‘anhum)
Question What is the authenticity of this Hadith? أخبرنا سعد بن عبد الله قال أنبأنا الهيثم بن أبي مسروق النهدي عن الحسين بن علوان عمرو بن خالد عن سعد بن طريف عن الأصبغ بن نباتة عن عبد الله بن عباس…
17 July 2018
Putting the Miswak on the ground
Question Is this Hadith authentic? Sa'id ibn Jubayr (radiyallahu 'anhu) says: 'By keeping the miswak on the ground if a person becomes mad [majnun], he should blame none other than himself.' Is this…
4 July 2018
A narration regarding Khubayb (radiyallahu ‘anhu)
Question Is the narration wherein Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said Khubayb (radiyallahu 'anhu) will be my close companion in Jannah and he is 'Sayyidush Shuhada' [The leader of the martyrs]…
4 June 2018
A narration regarding loving one’s sons
Question Is this a Hadith? "Love your sons, for daughters love themselves"
18 May 2018
If Allah wished to punish this ummah, he would have not blessed them with Ramadan
Question How authentic is this? Sayyiduna 'Ali (radiyallahu 'anhu) said: "If Allah Ta'ala wished to punish this ummah, he would have not blessed them with the month of Ramadan"
16 May 2018
Reciting Surah Qadr 21 times on the first night of Ramadan
Question Is this Hadith authentic? One who recites Surah Qadr twenty one times after Maghrib on the first night of Ramadan, will attain barakah in his sustenance like water flowing down the hill,…
23 April 2018
Five angels come to a person when he is in the throes of death
Question Is the following proven from sahih Hadith? The Angels of Death: "When the son of Adam is in sakarat (the throes of death) Allah sends to him five angels: As for the first angel, it comes to…
18 April 2018
A Hadith Qudsi regarding the reason for creation
Question I would like to know is the following narration authentic? يا عبادي إني ما خلقتكم لأستأنس بكم من وحشة، ولا لأستكثر بكم من قلة، ولا لأستعين بكم على أمرٍ عجزت عنه، إنما خلقتكم لتعبدوني طويلاً،…
17 April 2018
We are a nation who do not eat until we are hungry
Question Is the following an authentic Hadith of Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam)? "We are a nation who do not eat until we are hungry and when we eat, we do not eat to our fill"
13 April 2018
A narration mentioning who is a real insane person
Question What is the source and authenticity of this narration? One day Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) walked through a group of companions. He asked them: 'Why are you gathering here?'…
26 February 2018
A salutation [durud] which yields the reward of ten thousand salutations
Question What is the authenticity of the following Hadith? اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد ما اختلف الملوان وتعاقب العصران وكرر الجديدان واستقبل الفرقدان وبلغ روحه وارواح اهل بيته منا التحية والسلام…
19 February 2018
A narration stating that abundant salutations will ensure many spouses in Jannah
Question Is this Hadith authentic? Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Those who sent the most salutations [durud] upon me, will have the most number of wives in Jannah"