14 November 2017
A du’a to recite when one is unable to stop evil?
Question What is the status of this narration? وروي عن بعض الصحابة رضي الله تعالى عنه , أنه قال: إذا رأى أحد منكم منكرا لا يستطيع النكير عليه، فليقل ثلاث مرات اللهم إن هذا منكر فلا تؤاخذني به، فإذا…
7 November 2017
An incident regarding Abu Dujanah (radiyallahu ‘anhu)
Question اعتاد ابو دجانه ان يكون في الصلاة خلف الرسول الكريم ، ولكنه ما كاد ينهي صلاته حتى يخرج من المسجد مسرعا ، فاستلفت ذلك نظر الرسول الكريم فاستوقفه يوما وسأله قائلا : - يا أبا دجانة، أليس لك عند…
6 November 2017
Tying the turban while standing
Question Is it established in any Hadith that standing and wearing the trouser and sitting and tying the turban is a source of forgetfulness and poverty?
9 August 2017
A narration on a pious wife
Question Is this a Hadith? "A pious wife is such a wonderful aid for one's Din"
31 July 2017
The Hadith: ‘Allah Ta’ala loves those who are knowledgeable’
Question Is this a Hadith? أوحى الله إِلَى إِبْرَاهِيم إِنِّي عليم أحب كل عليم
25 July 2017
Is the practice of reciting Surah Al Qadr upon the soil of the grave authentic?
Question There is a practice mentioned by the scholars which says recite Surah Al Qadr seven times on the grave soil. The soil is then buried with the janazah and the janazah will be released from…
6 July 2017
Sending salutations on Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) to see him in a dream?
Question Is it authentic that if a person sends salutations on the body and soul of Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam), he will see him in a dream and will see him on the day of resurrection?
3 June 2017
Recitals at the sight of the Ramadan moon
Question Is there any substantiation for the following: When you sight the moon of Ramadan, recite Surah Qadr twenty one times. You will have barakah in your rizq. Also recite Surah Mulk. Its thirty…
29 May 2017
A narration about hospitality
Question Can you please confirm if the following is a Hadith and what its source is. A woman came to Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) and complained to him about her husband that he invites…
19 April 2017
Jibril travelling at full speed
Question Is this an authentic narration? One day Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam) asked Jibril, "Have you ever travelled at full speed?" Jibril said, "Yes, on four occasions." Rasulullah…
8 March 2017
A Hadith regarding Bismillah and Adam (‘alayhis salam)
Question Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (rahimahullah) has mentioned the following Hadith in his book Al-Ghunyah "Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim was the first verse to be revealed upon Adam 'alayhis salam and…
15 February 2017
Reciting La ilaha illallah frequently
Question Is there a Hadith that says to recite La ilaha illallah while walking on flat/even ground? If so, please mention the full Hadith with the translation and reference.
2 February 2017
The Hadith ‘When a person makes sajdah, all his limbs are also in sajdah’
Question Is the following Hadith authentic? "When a person makes sajdah, all his limbs are also in sajdah, So he should face his limbs towards the qiblah as much as possible"
2 December 2016
A virtue of sitting in the company of Scholars?
Question What is the authenticity of the narration, "Whoever sits in company of a religious Scholar it is as though he has sat with a Nabi"
25 November 2016
Sahabi poking his wife?
Question I heard an incident of a Sahabi (radiyallahu'anhu) poking his wife while making salah. The speaker mentions the meaning of the Hadith: 'Make salah in the innermost place in your room' is to…