22 March 2023
The ill effect of impermissible love when accompanied by zina
Question I saw this quote from Ibn Qayyim (rahimahullah). Did he actually say this and in which book can this be found? "The difference between Haram and permissible love is that impermissible…
28 February 2023
A Sunnah du’a asking Allah for chastity
Question Is this a du'a from Hadith? «اللهم اغفر ذنبي، وطهر قلبي، وحصن فرجي»
7 February 2023
An unreliable punishment for zina
Question Kindly give me a reference and the authenticity of the following narration. "Whoever makes love with a married woman, they will suffer the torture which is supposed to afflict half of this…
5 August 2022
An incident regarding alcohol being the leader to all sins
Question Is the following incident drawn from the Hadith? Once, a pious man was invited by a woman to commit adultery. The man refused. The woman gave him a choice of options: - Committing adultery…
16 August 2021
A narration stating the four harms of adultery
Question Is this Hadith authentic? إياكم والزنا، فإن فيه أربع خصال: يذهب البهاء عن الوجه، ويقطع الرزق، ويسخط الرحمن، والخلود في النار……
1 February 2021
The illegitimate child does not inherit from the father
Question Is this a Hadith and what is the reference? "Any man who fornicates with a free woman or a slave woman, then the child born from zina does not inherit, nor is it inherited from."
19 June 2020
A Sahabi (radiyallahu ‘anhu) who requested permission to commit zina
Question I heard in a lecture that a man came to Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) saying he wanted to commit zina with so and so lady. Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) listened to him…
16 June 2020
Clarification regarding the meaning of the word “حر”
Question What is the meaning of “حر" in the following Hadith? Does it mean the private part of a woman or illegal sexual intercourse? ليكونن من أمتي أقوام يستحلون الحر والحرير والخمر والمعازف……
25 March 2020
Zina becoming widespread is one cause of plagues
Question Can you confirm the source of this narration? إذا كثر الزنا كثر القتل ووقع الطاعون
17 February 2020
Arabic text of the narration regarding the effects of immorality being the norm in a community
Question Can you provide the full narration and Arabic text of the following narration: "If ever immorality spreads in a community and there is no sense of shame on its occurrence or mentioning it…
28 January 2020
The quality of self possessiveness of Sa’d ibn ‘Ubadah (radiyallahu ‘anhu)
Question Is this Hadith sahih? Sayyiduna Sa'd ibn 'Ubadah (radiyallahu 'anhu) said: "I will not hesitate killing my wife with a sword should I see her with another man."
20 November 2019
A follow up query regarding the incident of ‘Umar (radiyallahu ‘anhu) and a thief
Question With regard to the answer about Sayyiduna 'Umar and the thief, is there any version of the incident that mentions that a person who made zina was brought to Sayyiduna 'Umar and not a thief?
9 August 2018
Allah snatches away the light of Iman when a person commits adultery
Question What is the source of this? "Marry, because if the servant of Allah commits fornication, Allah snatches the light of Iman from him and may or may not return it to him."- Ibn Abbas…
11 May 2018
Three things that remove barakah
Question Could you verify this narration? "When there is wastage/extravagance, adultery [zina] and deception/treachery found in one's home, then the blessings [barakah] will be removed"
26 October 2017
Authenticity of a narration in Ibn Abi Shaybah
Question What is status of following Hadith ? من نظر إلى فرج امرأة لم تحل له أمها ولا ابنتها أخرجه ابن أبي شيبة في المصنف
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