12 August 2022
We were ordered to seek forgiveness on behalf of the Sahabah, not swear them!
Question Kindly comment regarding the source and authenticity of the following passage I came across: The following du’a teaches one how to seek Allah's forgiveness for the believers who passed away…
5 August 2022
Surah Kafirun and protection from Shirk
Question Is this correct: Surah Kafirun protects one from Kufr [disbelief] at the time of death.
3 August 2022
Impermissibility of wishing for death due to trials and tribulations
Question Kindly explain the Hadith wherein a man will roll on the grave wishing he was in it due to the prevalent trials and fitan of the time. Is this action of the man positive or negative? …
10 June 2022
Another Hadith on the importance of ensuring that one’s debts are paid off
Question I am looking for the reference and authenticity of this Hadith: نفس المؤمن معلقة ما كان عليه دين
31 May 2022
The importance of ensuring that one’s debts are paid off
Question I am looking for the reference and authenticity of this Hadith: نفس المؤمن معلقة بدينه حتى يقضى عنه
19 May 2022
Is there a Hadith regarding a mayyit recovering before passing away?
Question Is there any Hadith regarding ifaqatul mayyit about a person becoming better or showing signs of recovery before passing away?
31 March 2022
Another version of the narration regarding Abud Darda (radiyallahu ‘anhu) loving death, poverty and illness
Question I am looking for the reference for this narration: ثلاث أحبهن ويكرههن الناس: الفقر، والمرض، والموت
31 March 2022
A Hadith in Sunan Tirmidhi regarding whoever passes away and is free of three things will enter Jannah
Question Kindly provide the reference for this Hadith: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: من فارق الروح الجسد وهو بريء من ثلاث: الكنز، والغلول، والدين دخل الجنة……
17 March 2022
Another narration on the ill effect of the evil eye
Question Is this a Hadith? "The evil-eye is true. It puts a camel in a cooking pot and a man in the grave."
3 March 2022
The best du’a for the deceased
Question Is this a Hadith? ما أفضل ما يقال على الميت؟ فقال: الاستغفار
8 December 2021
The virtue of forty people offering Janazah Salah seeking intercession for the deceased
Question In your answer here you have alluded to a narration which mentions forty people offering Janazah Salah. Can you provide the text for the narration?
6 December 2021
Learn the laws of inheritance
Question Can you provide the correct wording and references for the following narration: تعلموا الفرائض، وعلموها الناس، تعلموا القرآن، وعلموه الناس، فإني امرؤ مقبوض، والعلم سينقص، وتظهر الفتن، حتى…
25 November 2021
Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) encourages Abu Hurayrah (radiyallahu ‘anhu) to learn the laws of inheritance
Question Can you provide the correct wording and reference for the following narration? تعلموا الفرائض وعلموه فإنه نصف العلم وانه ينسي وهو اول ما ينزع من امتي……
22 November 2021
Sudden deaths are from the signs of Qiyamah
Question Are there any narrations indicating that an increase in sudden death is among the minor signs of Qiyamah?
1 September 2021
Asking Allah for the ability to recite the shahadah before death
Question What is the reference for this du'a? Allahumma laqqini hujjatal imani 'indal mamati