12 December 2024
Do not cause harm to the Muslims and do not search for their faults!
Question Is this Hadith authentic? «يا معشر من أسلم بلسانه ولم يدخل الإيمان قلبه، لا تؤذوا المسلمين، ولا تعيروهم، ولا تطلبوا عثراتهم، فإنه من يطلب عورة المسلم يطلب الله عورته، ومن يطلب الله عورته…
9 November 2023
The worst characteristic according to Ibn Mas’ud (radiyallahu ‘anhu)
Question What is status of following narration from Tabarani? حدثنا محمد بن حيان المازني، ثنا عمرو بن مرزوق، أنا شعبة، عن أبي إسحاق، عن أبي الأحوص، عن عبد الله، قال: ألأم أخلاق المؤمن: الفحش……
28 March 2023
Foul language is the most reprehensible characteristic
Question Is this a Hadith? ألأم خلق المؤمن الفحش
18 February 2022
Ibn Abi Zayd’s Al Qayrawani statement regarding the essence of Akhlaq being found in four Hadiths
Question What is the reference for this and is the quote correctly attributed? Ibn Abi Zayd Al Qayrawani has said that all the Hadiths that talk about character are contexed in these four……
9 March 2021
A believer ensures that his neighbour is not hungry
Question Can you confirm the source of this Hadith? ليس المؤمن الذي يشبع وجاره جائع
16 February 2021
The complete narration regarding if someone insults you, do not retaliate
Question Please can you mention the entire narration which is answered here Sayyiduna Jabir ibn Sulaym (radiyallahu 'anhu) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "...If any…
10 February 2021
If someone insults you, do not retaliate
Question Is this a Hadith? "And if a person reviles you and dishonours you with what he knows of you then do not degrade him (back) with what you know of him for the curse (of abuse) will only be…
15 December 2020
“My Rabb has perfected my good manners and conduct”
Question What is the authenticity of the following Hadith: ادّبني ربي فاحسن تاديبي My Rabb has educated/nurtured me and has perfected my conduct
3 November 2020
Feeding people is part of noble character and noble character leads to Jannah
Question Is this Hadith authentic? مكارم الأخلاق من عمل الجنة
6 August 2020
Nabi’s (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) neighbours causing him harm
Question عن عائشة قالت: قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وسلم): كنت بين شر جارين. بين أبي لهب وعقبة بن أبي معيط إن كانا ليأتيان بالفروث فيطرحانها على بابي حتى إنهم ليأتون ببعض ما يطرحون من الأذى فيطرحونه…
10 July 2020
The severity of using profanities and swearing a Muslim
Question What is the punishment mentioned in Hadith for swearing a Muslim?
19 March 2020
A du’a seeking protection from bad manners, evil deeds and dreadful diseases
Question Please provide the reference and Arabic text for this du'a: "O Allah! Protect me from bad manners, evil desires, evil deeds and dreadful diseases"
18 March 2020
Caution against hoarding food
Question What is the authenticity of this Hadith? "Whoever hoards food [and keeps it from] the Muslims, Allah will afflict him with leprosy and bankruptcy."
20 January 2020
Another version of the Hadith prohibiting searching for the faults of the Muslims
Question Regarding your answer here, can you provide the authenticity and Arabic text of the other narration with slight variation in the wording recorded in Sunan Tirmidhi and Sahih Ibn Hibban?
14 November 2019
The three signs of ignorance
Question Kindly mention the Arabic text and reference for this narration: Abud Darda (radiyallahu 'anhu) said: "The sign of ignorance is three; Pride and a lot of speaking in what a person does not…