10 December 2020
The Hadith narrator; Qutaybah ibn Sa’id
Question Kindly provide a brief bio on Qutaybah Ibn Sa'id (rahimahullah)?
8 December 2020
Two Hadiths on encouraging others to recite the Quran
Question I have come across these two narrations which have a slight variation in wording. Kindly mention which version is correct. Or are both acceptable? أَنْبَأَنِي أَبُو عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ، أَنَّ…
7 December 2020
When was the famous poem “Tala’al badru ‘alayna” recited?
Question When was the famous poem “Tala’al badru ‘alayna” recited? Was it when Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) arrived in Madinah Munawwarah at the time of Hijrah, some other occasion, or on…
3 December 2020
The importance and virtues of studying the Arabic language
Question Kindly provide a few narrations regarding virtues and specialties of the Arabic language along with the importance of its study.
2 December 2020
The angel of death approaching Ya’qub (‘alayhis salam)
Question Kindly provide me with the authenticity of the following narration: When Ya’qub (‘alayhis salam) was in grief, the angel of death appeared before him and Ya’qub (‘alayhis salam) asked: “Did…
1 December 2020
Authenticity of Ibn ‘Umar’s (radiyallahu ‘anhu) statement regarding du’as being accepted on five nights of the year
Question There is a report in Musannaf Abdur Razzaq from Ibn ‘Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) regarding the five nights when du’as are accepted. Please advise on its authenticity. Can this be quoted as his…
27 November 2020
Biography of Khabbab ibn Aratt (radiyallahu ‘anhu)
Question Kindly provide a biography on the life of Khabbab ibn Aratt (radiyallahu ‘anhu).
26 November 2020
Status of the narrator, ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Uthman ibn Jabalah
Question What is the status of the narrator ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Uthman ibn Jabalah?
25 November 2020
Accolade of Sayyiduna Mus’ab ibn ‘Umayr (radiyallahu ‘anhu)
Question Kindly verify if the following statement was made by Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) regarding Sayyiduna Mus’ab ibn ‘Umayr (radiyallahu ‘anhu): "Among the believers are men who…
23 November 2020
Quranic verses which express that Allah is the creator of everything
Question Kindly provide examples from the Quran where Allah Ta’ala clearly expresses that He is the creator of everything and that there was nothing before Him.
19 November 2020
Difference between ذر and نملة
Question Regarding the following chapter and Hadith in Sunan Abi Dawud, what is the difference between ذر and نملة? باب فى قتل الذر عن أبي هريرة:رضي الله عنه أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: نزَل…
18 November 2020
Complete name of Imam Tirmidhi’s book
Question Kindly provide the full name of both Imam Tirmidhi (rahimahullah) and his famous book of Hadith.
17 November 2020
The Hadith: La khilabah
Question Kindly provide a reference for the Hadith لا خلابة Is it a du'a to read when trading or not? And can it be read at all occasions?
16 November 2020
The reward on ‘Eidul Fitr for the one who completes the duties of the month of Ramadan
Question I heard various scholars in our country citing a narration during the 'Eidul Fitr sermon. The Hadith roughly states our Most Gracious Master, Allah Ta’ala, asking the angels what the reward…
16 November 2020
Sneezing after narrating a Hadith
Question Kindly provide the authenticity and purport of the following Hadith: من حدث حديثا فعطس فهو حق