8 October 2024
Those with Taqwa are the ones close to Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)
Question Please verify this Hadith: Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "In the end times, a man would claim to be from his family, but they are not from him. He (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam)…
23 July 2024
A Hadith on loving Hasan, Husayn and their parents (radiyallahu ‘anhum)
Question What is the reference of this Hadith? Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) took Hasan and Husayn (radiyallahu 'anhuma) by the hand and said "Whoever loves me and loves these two, and their…
3 May 2024
An unreliable narration regarding the accountability of this ummah on the Day of Qiyamah
Question What is the authenticity of this Hadith? سألت الله أن يجعل حساب أمتي إلي لئلا تفتضح عند الأمم، فأوحى الله عز وجل إلي: يا محمد بل أنا أحاسبهم فإن كان منهم زلة سترتها عنك لئلا تفتضح عندك……
17 October 2023
A group in Baytul Maqdis will always remain firm upon Din prevailing over their enemy
Question Is this narration authentic? عن أبي أمامة قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: «لا تزال طائفة من أمتي على الدين ظاهرين لعدوهم قاهرين لا يضرهم من خالفهم إلا ما أصابهم من لأواء حتى يأتيهم…
16 October 2023
Qiyamah will not occur until animals and a person’s shoelaces speak
Question What is the Hadith which states that shoelaces will speak on Qiyamah?
18 September 2023
Those women who are clothed yet naked are cursed
Question What's the authenticity of this Hadith In the last [age] of my nation there will be men who ride on saddled mounts that are similar to huge camels in size. They will alight at the doors of…
21 August 2023
People will become miserly before Qiyamah
Question Is this Hadith authentic? Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Time will pass rapidly, good deeds will decrease, and miserliness will be thrown (in the hearts of people)..."
17 August 2023
The Euphrates will dry up exposing gold
Question There is a Hadith narrated by Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah (radiyallahu 'anhu) in Kitabul Fitan that says a fourth tribulation will last 18 years then it will disclose what it discloses and then…
31 July 2023
Choosing to be labelled retrogressive rather than committing acts of indecency
Question Please give me the reference of this Hadith: "There will come a time when a man will be given a choice between being labelled incompetent and committing immorality. Whoever lives until that…
20 July 2023
A narration attributed to ‘Ali (radiyallahu ‘anhu)
Question Is this narration authentically attributed to Sayyiduna Ali (radiyallahu 'anhu)? سيرجع قوم من هذه الأمة عند اقتراب الساعة كفارًا! فقال رجل: يا أمير المؤمنين: كفرهم بماذا، أبالإحداث أم…
29 March 2023
Where will ‘Isa (‘alayhis salam) kill Dajjal?
Question Mujammi' (radiyallahu 'anhu) mentioned he heard the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) say: 'Isa ibn Maryam ('alayhis salam) will kill Dajjal at a place called Babul Ludd. Is…
13 March 2023
A virtue of having less wealth and a large family
Question Please verify the authenticity of this Hadith. «من قل ماله، وكثر عياله، وحسن صلاته، ولم يغتب المسلمين، جاء يوم القيامة وهو معي كهاتين»……
2 March 2023
A narration about people who will discourage jihad
Question Is this Hadith authentic? Zayd ibn Aslam reported from his father, that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Jihad will remain fresh and green as long as raindrops…
25 February 2023
It is for them in the Dunya
Question Is there any narration from Sayyidah 'Aaishah (radiyallahu ‘anha) wherein she is reported to have said the following words to the Sahabiyyat? "It is for them in this world and for us in the…
21 February 2023
Those who follow the teachings of the Quran will never go astray
Question Is this statement of Sayyiduna 'Abdullah ibn 'Abbas (radiyallahu 'anhuma) authentic? ضمن الله لمن اتبع القرآن أن لا يضل في الدنيا ، ولا يشقى في الآخرة……