9 December 2015
The virtue of controlling one’s anger
Question What is the reference for the following Hadith? "He who swallows his anger despite being able to vent it, Allah will call him in front of the entire creation on the Day of Qiyamah and allow…
8 December 2015
Hadith on the power of du’a
Question What is the source of this tradition? 'Nothing can change qada [al-mu'allaq]. Only du'a can change it; and only favours/goodness can lengthen one's lifetime."
8 December 2015
The reward of the custodians of the Quran
Question Is the narration authentic? Sayyiduna 'Ali (radiyallahu 'anhu) reported that Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "The custodians of the Quran will be in the shade of Allah, in the…
7 December 2015
Virtue of a recital at the end of a gathering
Question What is the authenticity of this narration? "Whoever desires to earn a lot of rewards on the Day of Judgment, let him recite the verse "Subhana rabbika ..." when he rises from a gathering.)…
7 December 2015
A great virtue of loving for the sake of Allah Ta’ala
Question I heard an incident in a lecture regarding Sayyiduna Mu'adh ibn Jabal (radiyallahu 'anhu) pulling someone close to him and telling him the virtue of loving for the sake of Allah. Please…
2 December 2015
Virtue of caring for even just one daughter
Question Could you please kindly tell me if the virtue for upbringing daughters is promised even if there is only one daughter?
2 December 2015
Striving for din is more virtuous than fifty Hajj?
Question Is the following Hadith authentic? "Spending time in the path of Allah is better than fifty Hajj"
24 November 2015
A virtue of providing a well (water)
Question Is the following narration authentic? "Whomsoever provides a well will be rewarded till the day of Qiyamah whenever any thirsty Jinn, Human or bird drinks from there"
19 November 2015
Death with wudu is martyrdom
Question I wanted to know what the grade of this Hadith is Sahih, Hasan or Da'if and whether it's allowed to practice upon: One should try to be in the state of wudu all the time. He who passes away…
18 November 2015
Reciting Surah Ikhlas one hundred times before sleeping
Question What is the status of the following Hadith? "Whomsoever goes to bed to sleep and lies on his right side and he recites Surah Ikhlas one hundred (100) times, Allah will say to him on the day…
16 November 2015
A virtue of teaching one’s child the Holy Quran?
Question What is the status of the following Hadith? Sayyiduna Anas (radiyallahu 'anhu) had reported that Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Whoever teaches the reading of Quran to his…
6 November 2015
Blessed footsteps
Question Please provide the reference and authenticity of the narration which states that an Angel calls out, "Your footsteps are good" when visiting the sick.
5 November 2015
Saying a durud (salutation) seventy times at the grave of Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)
Question What is the status of the following Hadith and can it be quoted? It is reported that when a person stands at the grave of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) and recites the verse:…
26 October 2015
The virtue of the sunnah offered before and after Zuhr
Question Kindly provide a Hadith on the virtue of offering four Sunnah of Zuhr and four Sunnah of 'Asr.
26 October 2015
Five daily salahs equal fifty in reward
Question It is said that Rasulullah (sallallahu'alayhi wasallam) was told even though Allah reduced the number of Salahs from fifty (50) to five (5), the Ummah would get the reward of fifty. Please…