25 October 2024
A du’a before wudu cited in some Fiqh books
Question What is the reference for this du'a to be recited before wudu? "Bismillahil 'Azimi Wal-hamdu Lil-lahi Ala Dinil Islam"
20 May 2024
Abu Bakr (radiyallahu ‘anhu) proceeds to the marketplace after he is appointed the Khalifah
Question I require the source for the following incident: لما استخلف أبو بكر أصبح غاديا إلى السوق وعلى رقبته أثواب يتجر بها فلقيه عمر بن الخطاب وأبو عبيدة بن الجراح فقالا له: أين تريد يا خليفة رسول…
24 September 2021
A Hadith regarding Zakah
Question What is the authenticity of this narration? اعلموا أن من السنة شهرا تؤدون فيه الزكاة، فما حدث بعد ذلك فلا زكاة فيه حتى يجيء رأس السنة……
19 April 2021
Women leaving their homes for their needs
Question In the following Hadith, what does needs refer to? Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "O women! You have been allowed by Allah to go out for your needs." What does "needs"……
21 July 2020
The Kursi in relation to the ‘Arsh
Question Ibn 'Abbas (radiyallahu 'anhuma) said: "The Kursi is the place of the feet of Allah, and the size of Throne cannot be known." This was narrated by Ibn Khuzaymah in at-Tawhid, 1/248, no. 154…
29 November 2019
Clarification on an incident regarding Abu Musa Al Ash’ari (radiyallahu ‘anhu)
Question How is the Hadith in Sahih Bukhari (Hadith: 4397) to be interpreted which states that Sayyiduna Abu Musa Al Ash'ari (radiyallahu 'anhu) went to a woman to check his hair for lice? Is this…
28 March 2018
Meaning of a word in a chain of narrators
Question What is the meaning of the word 'fi akharin' in the following chain of narrators in Sunan Abi Dawud: حدثنا قتيبة بن سعيد، في آخرين، قالوا: حدثنا يحيى بن سليم……
29 January 2018
A narration prohibiting the sale of an animal to copulate
Question Can you please verify this narration: It is narrated from Sayyiduna 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar (radiyallahu 'anhuma) that Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) prohibited from the earnings of the…
12 October 2017
A recommended du’a to recite when using the miswak
Question Is this authentic? Du'a to be read at the time of using miswak: اللهم طهر فمي، ونور قلبي، وطهر بدني، وحرم جسدي على النار، وأدخلني برحمتك في عبادك الصالحين Allahumma tahhir fami, wa nawwir…
11 September 2017
Did any other Nabi ride the Buraq?
Question Was the Buraq ridden by any other Nabi besides Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam)?
15 August 2017
Sayyiduna Abu Bakr’s (radiyallahu ‘anhu) desire to pass away on a Monday
Question Is there any virtue for passing away on a Monday? I have heard that Sayyiduna Abu Bakr (radiyallahu 'anhu) made du'a for death on a Monday.