13 December 2024
Abundant salutations upon Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) is a sign that Allah loves a person
Question What is the reference of this Hadith? إذا أراد الله بعبده خيرا يسر لسانه للصلاة على محمد
28 October 2024
‘Allamah Alusi (rahimahullah) recommends gifting daughters first
Question Where is this quote mentioned? Al-Alusi (rahimahullah) has said: "It is customary for men of value to reassure women's hearts because of their weakness. This is why it is recommended that…
17 September 2024
Ask Allah to rectify your heart and intentions
Question I am looking for a reference for this advice of Uwais al Qarani (rahimahullah): "Pray to Allah to correct your heart and your intention, for you will never have to deal with anything more…
11 July 2024
Ibn ‘Asakir (rahimahullah) cautions against slandering ‘Ulama
Question I am looking for a reference: Ibn 'Asakir (rahimahullah) said: "Whoever lets his tongue loose in slander of the 'ulama, Allah will afflict him with the death of the heart before he dies."
27 June 2024
Lack of modesty inevitably leads to a dead heart
Question What is the reference for this statement of Sayyiduna 'Umar ibnul Khattab (radiyallahu 'anhu)? 'Umar ibnul Khattab (radiyallahu 'anhu) said: "Whoever has little modesty, has little piety,…
27 February 2024
The Sahabah (radiyallahu ‘anhum) would cry profusely when listening to Quran
Question I am searching for a reference for this When the people of Yemen came during the time of Abu Bakr and heard the Quran, they began to weep. Abu Bakr said: "This is how we used to be." Then…
14 December 2023
A way to fill one’s heart with Iman
Question What is the reference for the following narration? Whoever has three qualities, Allah will fill his heart with faith: the company of a jurist, recitation of the Qur'an, and fasting.
18 September 2023
Excessive exposure to falsehood will diminish one’s ability to differentiate between truth and falsehood
Question Is this a Hadith? كثرة النظر إلى الباطل تذهب بمعرفة الحق من القلب
18 July 2023
Who are the best of Believers?
Question Can you please provide the reference for this narration? قيل للنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: أي الناس أفضل؟ قال: «مؤمن مخموم القلب صدوق اللسان»، قيل له: وما المخموم القلب؟ قال: «التقي لله، النقي،…
7 March 2023
An unreliable narration on the heart of a Believer
Question Is this Hadith authentic? "A believer's heart is the Throne ['Arsh] of Allah."
28 October 2022
A hard heart is a form of punishment in this world
Question What is the correct reference for this statement and Which Malik is this? Malik (rahimahullah) said: "A servant is not struck with a punishment greater than having a hard heart"
28 June 2022
Sin troubles the heart and conscience
Question Can you please tell me the authenticity of this Hadith as I have seen this on social media? "When a thing disturbs the peace of your heart, give it up!"
24 August 2021
Who is the likeliest to receive intercession from Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)?
Question Narrated Abu Hurayrah (radiyallahu 'anhu): I said: "O Allah's Messenger (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam)! Who will be the luckiest person, who will gain your intercession on the Day of…
21 April 2021
A cause of hard-heartedness, weakness in the body and deprivation of sustenance
Question What is the correct reference and Arabic text for this statement? If you see hardness in your heart, weakness in your body, and deprivation in your livelihood, know that you have spoken…
1 March 2021
What is meant by the heart dying due excessive laughter?
Question What is the meaning of the heart dying due to excessive laughter?