14 March 2023
Engaging in Salah, fasting and charity
Question What is the reference for this narration? Salah takes a person halfway along the path Fasting takes him to the Kings door Charity takes him by the hand and enters him into the king's court.
13 March 2023
A virtue of having less wealth and a large family
Question Please verify the authenticity of this Hadith. «من قل ماله، وكثر عياله، وحسن صلاته، ولم يغتب المسلمين، جاء يوم القيامة وهو معي كهاتين»……
16 February 2023
A du’a to recite when proceeding to the Masjid
Question Can this Hadith from Sunan Ibn Majah be quoted? Whoever leaves the house for Salah then says: اللهم إني أسألك بحق السائلين عليك، وأسألك بحق ممشاي هذا، فإني لم أخرج أشرا، ولا بطرا، ولا رياء،…
16 February 2023
An untraceable Hadith on the harms of missing the five daily Salah
Question Is this a Hadith? "Whoever misses Fajr salat loses the light of the face. Whoever misses Zuhr Salah loses the strength of his body. Whoever misses 'Asr Salah loses the benefit of his wealth.…
17 December 2022
Sending salutations upon Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) and his ahlu bayt in Salah
Question Is the following a Hadith? Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: "Whoever performs Salah, but does not send salutations upon me and my ahlu bayt his Salah will not be accepted."
9 December 2022
An unreliable narration on offering optional Salah after Maghrib on a Thursday
Question Kindly tell me if this Hadith is suitable to practice. Is it authentic? Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "One who performs two rak'ahs on a Friday after Maghrib [which in…
1 December 2022
Looking hither and thither in Salah
Question Is there any Hadith that mentions that one who looks around in Salah his eyesight will be snatched away?
16 November 2022
Commentary on the Hadith regarding the two exemptions a person will receive for offering Salah with the takbir ula
Question The Hadith mentions that if a person performs Salah for 40 days with the takbir ula will get براءة من النار و براءة من النفاق, i.e., freedom from The Fire and freedom from hypocrisy. Freedom…
13 October 2022
Additional Masnun qira-ah for the two Sunnah of Fajr
Question Besides reciting Surah Ikhlas and Surah Kafirun in the two rak’ahs Sunnah of Fajr, is there any other recital reported in the Hadiths?
12 October 2022
Washing the part below the bottom lip in wudu
Question What is the status of the following narration? «إذا توضأت فلا تنس الفنيكين»
18 August 2022
Remaining still in Salah and not swaying
Question What is status of following narration? إذا قام أحدكم في الصلاة، فليسكن أطرافه، ولا يتميل تميل اليهود، فإن تسكين الأطراف من تمام الصلاة.……
17 August 2022
A reward for habitually performing four Sunnah before ‘Asr
Question What is the status of the following narration? «من حافظ على أربع ركعات قبل العصر بنى الله عز وجل له بيتا في الجنة»
16 August 2022
Comments from some ‘Ulama of Deoband on the authenticity of Salatut Tasbih
Question Kindly provide some statements from the Indo-Pak 'Ulama and 'Ulama from Deoband regarding the authenticity of Salatut Tasbih. viz. Moulana Anwar Shah Kashmiri, 'Allamah Binnori, Moulana…
15 August 2022
Having a siesta assists with waking up for tahajjud Salah
Question Is there a Hadith which states that qaylulah helps one to wake up for tahajjud?
5 July 2022
A question regarding a Sahabi offering Salah to ask Allah for salt
Question Is there any Hadith to the effect that a Sahabi (radiyallahu 'anhu) once offered two rak'ahs of Salah to ask Allah for salt?