10 August 2022
A Biography of ‘Allamah ‘Abdul Hayy Lakhnawi (rahimahullah)
Question Kindly provide a brief biography of 'Allamah 'Abdul Hayy Al Lakhnawi (rahimahullah) his life and his accomplishments.
1 February 2022
‘Afifud Din Al Kazaruni
Question Mulla 'Ali Qari refers to 'Afifi Al-Kazaruni in Mirqat. Who is this Scholar?
8 April 2021
A brief biography of Imam Muhammad ibn Sabbah (rahimahullah)
Question Kindly provide a brief biography of Imam Ibn Sabbagh (ابن الصباغ), a student of Imam Shafi’i (rahimahumallah).
18 November 2020
Ummu Ma’bad (radiyallahu ‘anha)
Question Please provide a brief biography of Ummu Ma'bad.
7 August 2020
A brief biography of Yahya ibn Ma’in
Question Who was Imam Yahya ibn Ma’in (rahimahullah)? His name often appears when grading narrators. What is the opinion of Imam Ahmad and other ‘Ulama (rahimahumullah) with regards to him.
24 July 2019
A biography of ‘Allamah Munawi (rahimahullah)
Question Who is 'Allamah 'Abdur Rauf Al Munawi (rahimahullah)?
9 July 2019
A brief biography of Hafiz Ibn Kathir (rahimahullah)
Question Can you provide a brief biography of Hafiz Ibn Kathir (rahimahullah)?
8 July 2019
Imam Ibn Jarir At Tabari (rahimahullah)
Question Can you provide a brief biography of Imam Ibn Jarir At Tabari (rahimahullah)?
18 September 2018
Imam Ibn Al A’arabi (rahimahullah)
Question Who is the Muhaddith Ibnul A'arabi and what is the status of his Mu'jam?
3 May 2018
Arabic books that discuss the biographies of Sahabah (radiyallahu ‘anhu)
Question It will be highly appreciated if you can mention some Arabic books that discuss the biographies of Sahabah.
9 February 2018
Imam Ibn Abid Dunya (rahimahullah)
Question I have noticed in many of your answers you reference to Ibn Abi Dunya. Can you provide a short bio and a general ruling on his books?
31 October 2017
The Hadith narrator, Ibrahim ibn Sa’d ibn Ibrahim
Question I would like to ask who was the Hadith narrator, Ibrahim ibn Sa'd ibn Ibrahim (rahimahullah)?
20 October 2017
Imam Al Humaydi (rahimahullah)
Question I would like to ask who was Al Humaydi? Is he a narrator in Sahih Bukhari?
18 October 2017
Akmalud Din Al Babarti (rahimahullah)
Question Mulla 'Ali Al Qari (rahimahullah) says in Mirqat 'قال الشيخ أكمل الدين'. Who was Shaykh Akmalud Din?
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