5 February 2024
Crying out of the fear of Allah Ta’ala
Question What is the status of this narration? "All human deeds will be weighed, but human tears flowing from the fear of Allah and the Hereafter is a deed which would not be weighed. Rather, one…
6 April 2021
Fudayl’s ibn ‘Iyad (rahimahullah) statement regarding fear of Allah
Question Can you mention the source and Arabic text for this? "Whoever fears Allah, no one will harm him, and whoever fears other than Allah, no one will benefit him."
1 December 2020
Nabi’s (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) advice regarding sustenance and seeking rizq through halal avenues
Question Is the following Hadith suitable to quote? ليس من عمل يقرب إلى الجنة، إلا قد أمرتكم به، ولا عمل يقرب إلى النار، إلا قد نهيتكم عنه، لا يستبطئن أحد منكم رزقه ان جبريل عليه السلام ألقى في روعي…
9 July 2020
Authenticity of the du’a to attain the fear of Allah
Question Please verify the authenticity of this du'a: Allahummaq sim lana min khasyatika ma yahulu baynana wa bayna ma'asika
26 February 2020
Caution against becoming angry when reminded to fear Allah
Question Are these words found in a Hadith? كفى بالمرء إثما إذا قيل له اتق الله غضب
10 December 2019
Nabi’s (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) advice to a Sahabi who acquired many Hadiths
Question Could you give the reference for this Hadith please? Yazid ibn Salamah Al Ju'fi (radiyallahu 'anhu) narrates: "I said, O Rasulullah! I have heard many Hadiths from you; I fear that recent…
27 November 2019
Imam Abu Hanifah’s (rahimahullah) response when told ‘Fear Allah!’
Question Can you mention the reference for this? A man told Imam Abu Hanifah (rahimahullah) to fear Allah and he began shaking and became pale. Then Imam Abu Hanifah (rahimahullah) said, "May Allah…
26 August 2019
Two drops and two marks that are dear to Allah
Question Is this Hadith authentic? Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Nothing is dearer to Allah than two drops and two marks; A drop of tear shed due to the fear of Allah, and a drop…
5 August 2019
Crying/weeping out of the fear of Allah
Question What is the reference of this narration? Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "A man who weeps for fear of Allah will not enter Jahannam until milk goes back into the udder."
29 July 2019
Another version of the Hadith regarding a sound emanating from the chest of Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)
Question Is there a Hadith that mentions that Nabi's (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) chest made the sound of a hand mill/mill?
26 July 2019
Hasan’s Al Basri (rahimahullah) advice to a father regarding his daughter’s marriage
Question Can you mention the Arabic text and reference for this narration? Hasan Al Basri (rahimahullah) said: "Marry your daughter to the one who fears Allah. If he loves her, he will honour her. If…
9 July 2019
A Du’a to recite to attain the fear of Allah Ta’ala
Question Please tell me if there is a short du'a I can recite to attain the fear of Allah Ta'ala? Please give me the meaning, transliteration and Arabic text.
14 September 2018
The most hated speech in the sight of Allah Ta’ala
Question Is the Hadith mentioned below authentic? Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "The most hated speech to Allah is when a man says to another man, 'Fear Allah!' And he replies, 'Worry…
10 August 2018
Reciting Quran melodiously should make you fear Allah
Question What is the reference for this narration and can it be quoted? Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Truly, the person having the best voice with the Qur'an is the one whom, when you…
15 March 2018
Those who sin less frequently, fear Allah Ta’ala the most
Question Who is this narration attributed to and please mention the reference? أقلهم ذنبا أخوفهم لربه عز وجل لأنهم أصفاهم قلبا
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