20 September 2024
The death of a scholar creates an irreplaceable void
Question Where does this come? What is the source? Ibn Mas'ud (radiyallahu 'anhu) said: "The death of a scholar is a loss that cannot be replaced for as long as the day and night alternate."
24 July 2024
Hab-hab, A valley in Jahannam reserved for tyrants
Question Is there any Hadith like this? "There is a valley in Jahannam for tyrants called habhab"
17 July 2024
The things that will destroy Islam according to ‘Umar (radiyallahu ‘anhu)
Question Can this be quoted? 'Umar ibnul Khattab (radiyallahu 'anhu) said: "Islam will be demolished by the faults of scholars, the arguments of hypocrites over the Book (the Qur'an), and the…
12 July 2024
The angels seek forgiveness on behalf of the person who completes reciting the Quran
Question Can this Hadith be quoted? إذا ختم الرجل القرآن بنهار، صلت عليه الملائكة حتى يمسي، وإن فرغ منه ليلا، صلت عليه الملائكة حتى يصبح……
15 May 2024
The increase of knowledge will cause people to draw nearer
Question Please provide the reference for this narration: ما ازداد عبد بالله علما إلا ازداد الناس منه قربا من رحمة الله
14 May 2024
Sufyan ibn ‘Uyaynah (rahimahullah) on knowledge and worldly pleasures
Question Please provide the reference for this narration: ما ازداد عبد علما فازداد في الدنيا رغبة إلا ازداد من الله بعدا
29 May 2023
‘Abdullah’s ibn ‘Abbas (radiyallahu ‘anhuma) thirst for knowledge
Question Please mention the Hadith book wherein this incident is mentioned. 'Abdullah ibn 'Abbas (radiyallahu 'anhuma) would sit at a Sahabi's door to acquire a Hadith from him. He would wait at the…
8 March 2023
Thabit kisses the hand that touched Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)
Question قال ثابت لأنس: أمسست النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بيدك؟ قال: نعم، فقبلها. Could you send me the reference for this narration?
6 December 2021
Learn the laws of inheritance
Question Can you provide the correct wording and references for the following narration: تعلموا الفرائض، وعلموها الناس، تعلموا القرآن، وعلموه الناس، فإني امرؤ مقبوض، والعلم سينقص، وتظهر الفتن، حتى…
12 August 2021
Reciting ten verses of Surah Baqarah to retain the Quran
Question Is there a narration something to the effect that states if a person recites Surah Fatihah, Surah Baqarah till "Muflihun", Ayatul Kursi and "Aamanar Rasoolu…" Then one won't forget the Quran…
28 June 2021
Authenticity and explanation of Ibn Sirin’s (rahimahullah) reaction to someone disrespecting Hadith
Question Please provide the explanation and authenticity of this narration: Qatadah (rahimahullah) related: "Ibn Sirin (rahimahullah) once related a Hadith of Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) to a…
7 June 2021
Ibn Sirin’s (rahimahullah) reaction to someone disrespecting Hadith
Question Kindly provide the Arabic text and full translation of the narration below: Ibn Sirin (rahimahullah) said: "I am narrating to you the Hadith of the Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) and…
7 June 2021
The first person to apply logic was Iblis
Question What is the authenticity of this narration? Ibn 'Abbas (radiyallahu 'anhuma) where he said: "The first creature that apply the concept of qiyas [logic] is Iblis, then he made a mistake in…
28 April 2021
Thabit requests to kiss Anas’s (radiyallahu ‘anhu) hand
Question What is the source of this? Thabit asked Anas: O Anas. Did your hand touch the hand of Rasulullah? I said yes. He said: Show me, I will kiss it.
4 September 2020
The virtue of reciting Surah Aalu ‘Imran on a Friday
Question How sound is this Hadith? "Anyone who recites Surah Aalu 'Imran on Friday, the angels will send blessing on him till the night."