10 March 2014
Saying salam when departing
Question Making salam when entering home and meeting people is established. Is salam when leaving home, leaving i.e. departing from people also established?
24 February 2014
Saying JazakAllahu khayra
Question When saying thanking someone should one say JazakAllah or should the addendum "Khayra" be added? Is there any narration that states or allows just the words "JazakAllah" without the addition…
23 February 2014
Hadith on giving the elders first
Question Is there any Hadith which mentions that Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa salaam) once gave some drink (after drinking some) to the Sahabi on his right and advised him to give it to the…
23 February 2014
Hadith on Sleeping after Fajr
Question There is a Hadith that the sleeping of the morning decreases the rizq (sustenance). Does this refer to sleeping and missing the Fajr prayer or does it refer to sleeping after performing the…
27 January 2014
Etiquettes of entering and leaving the home
Question What should we say for protection when leaving the house? What are the adabs of leaving and entering one’s home? What is the du'a to stop Shaytan or Jinn from entering our house? Is there a…
27 January 2014
Hot Food Has No Barakah
Question Can you please give me the exact reference to the following Hadith. I have been searching for it for some time and was pleased that it was sent to me. Nabi (sallallahu'alayhi wasallam) says:…
22 December 2013
Hadith on handshake with both hands
Question Please tell me where the Hadith regarding shaking hands using both hands can be found?