15 June 2022
A narration regarding the sleep of a scholar being better than the worship of an ignorant person
Question Is the following fabricated? "The sleep of the scholar is better than the worship of the ignorant"
14 June 2022
The virtue of a naval expedition
Question What is status of following narration? غزوة في البحر خير من عشر غزوات في البر
13 June 2022
A Hadith encouraging the safeguarding of the Takbir Ula
Question What is the status of this narration: إن لكل شيء أنفة وإن أنفة الصلاة التكبيرة الأولى فحافظوا عليها
10 June 2022
A follow up query regarding the narrator; ‘Asim ibn Bahdalah
Question I have seen your answer regarding 'Asim ibn Bahdalah but my question is what is the status of reports that are narrated through him alone? Some people have said he is only accepted through…
10 June 2022
Whoever constantly remembers death will be content with a little
Question Please mention the reference of this narration: من أكثر ذكر الموت، كفاه اليسير، ومن عرف أن منطقه من عمله، قل كلامه
10 June 2022
Another Hadith on the importance of ensuring that one’s debts are paid off
Question I am looking for the reference and authenticity of this Hadith: نفس المؤمن معلقة ما كان عليه دين
9 June 2022
The epitome of Salah is the Takbir Ula
Question Is the following narration authentic? قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: «لكل شيء صفوة وصفوة الصلاة التكبيرة الأولى».
9 June 2022
A Tasbih the reward of which will be stored by the ‘Arsh
Question Is this an authentic virtue? One who recites the following du'a, Allah Ta'ala will keep it hanging in a sealed envelope by His 'Arsh until the day of Qiyamah and none of his sins will be…
8 June 2022
Arabic text of the Hadith about when Bismillah was revealed
Question Please provide the Arabic text of the following if possible: It comes in a Hadith narrated by Sayyiduna Jabir (radiyallahu 'anhu): When Bismillah was revealed, the clouds moved towards the…
7 June 2022
A conversation between the Shayatin
Question Please comment and confirm if this narration is authentic? Al-Burzuli said: "Our Shaykh Abu Muhammad Ash-Shabibi narrating from Talib said, "The Shayatin (Devils) of the east and the west…
7 June 2022
Explanation of the Hadith لا ضرر ولا ضرار
Question Kindly provide the authenticity and explanation for the following Hadith: لا ضرر ولاضرار
6 June 2022
Imam Ghazali, Musa (‘alayhis salam) and the Hadith “The scholars from my Ummah”
Question I would like to know the authenticity of this story as well as references if there are any, please It is told that on the night of Mi'raj, when Nabi (Sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) met Nabi…
6 June 2022
A dream wherein Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) boasted about Imam Ghazali
Question Is there any mention that Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) once boasted about Imam Ghazali in a dream?
6 June 2022
Winter is a spring for the Believer
Question Please let me know the source and reliability of the Hadith: "Winter is a spring for the believer"
3 June 2022
Believers supporting each other
Question In a book I have read, the author mentions the following, please advise if this is an authentic Hadith and please provide a reference for it. "A believer is like a brick for another…