24 March 2014
Avert corporal punishment when in doubt
Question Is there a Hadith that says drop the corporal punishment (hadd) where there is doubts? I heard it is in Tirmidhi can you show me the Hadith please and is it sahih?
21 March 2014
Eating on a raised platform
Question How did Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wasalam) have meals on the floor? i.e. the food was on the floor or how was it? Can the following be regarded as sunnah or in conformity to Sunnah: a person…
21 March 2014
Is it possible to control the Jinn?
Question Is it possible for any one to take control of a Jinn? As I have heard that controlling the Jinn was only granted to Nabi Sulayman by Allah.
21 March 2014
Madinah Munawwarah is a sanctuary
Question In which Hadith book does the following Hadith appear? Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: 'Madinah is a sanctuary from here to there. Its trees are not to be cut nor should any…
18 March 2014
Knots of Shaytan for those who discard Salah
Question The Hadith mentions three knots that get untied when a person wakes with Allah's name, then makes wudu and performs Salah. Does this refer to Tahajjud Salah only, or Fajr also?
17 March 2014
Are we accountable for evil intentions?
Question Are we accountable for having bad thoughts?
13 March 2014
Leaving the home with the left foot
Question Is there a Hadith which says we should exit the house with the left foot?
4 March 2014
Looking at the Imam during the Friday khutbah
Question Is there any Hadith regarding looking at the Imam during the khutbah of Jumu'ah? Have any of the Fuqaha written that this practice is Sunnah?
28 February 2014
The reward for donating one date
Question Is there a Hadith - that if a person gives a date in the path of Allah, Allah will reward him with mountains in gold but if he gives mountains of gold for name and fame (i.e. without…
27 February 2014
Prohibition of slapping the face
Question 1) Is hitting/disciplining on the face, for example, slapping etc allowed in Islam? 2) Is there any reference to this statement: 'The place where the ustad (teacher) hits the student, will…
24 February 2014
Hadith about ‘kaffarah’ for breaking the fast in Ramadan
Question I read about the Fiqh of Ramadan on one website and it says if one violates the fast while eating he must fast for two consecutive months as kaffarah. It said one Sahabi ate in the day in…
23 February 2014
Hadith on giving the elders first
Question Is there any Hadith which mentions that Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa salaam) once gave some drink (after drinking some) to the Sahabi on his right and advised him to give it to the…
23 February 2014
Translation of part of the famous Hadith on intentions
Question What is the literal translation in English for the following part of the famous Hadith on intentions: «إلى دنيا يصيبها، أو إلى امرأة ينكحها»
17 February 2014
Du’as in the book "Hisnul Muslim" (A Muslim’s fortress)
Question I have a question in regard to a book I have, called "The Fortress of the Muslim Invocations from the Quran and Sunnah" It was compiled by Sa'id bin Wahf Al-Qahtani. There are many du'as in…
11 February 2014
The rewards and warnings for Fajr Salah
Question Is there any reward mentioned in the Hadith for Fajr in congregation? Is there any warnings in the Hadith for not reading Fajr in congregation. I heard that in the Rasulullah (sallallahu…